Source code for stellargraph.mapper.mini_batch_node_generators

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Mappers to provide input data for the graph models in layers.

__all__ = ["ClusterNodeGenerator", "ClusterNodeSequence"]

import random
import copy
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from tensorflow.keras.utils import Sequence

from scipy import sparse
from ..core.graph import StellarGraph
from ..core.utils import is_real_iterable, normalize_adj
from ..connector.neo4j.graph import Neo4jStellarGraph
from .base import Generator

[docs]class ClusterNodeGenerator(Generator): """ A data generator for use with GCN, GAT and APPNP models on homogeneous graphs, see [1]. The supplied graph G should be a StellarGraph object with node features. Use the :meth:`flow` method supplying the nodes and (optionally) targets to get an object that can be used as a Keras data generator. This generator will supply the features array and the adjacency matrix to a mini-batch Keras graph ML model. [1] `W. Chiang, X. Liu, S. Si, Y. Li, S. Bengio, C. Hsieh, 2019 <>`_. .. seealso:: Models using this generator: :class:`.GCN`, :class:`.GAT`, :class:`.APPNP`. Examples using this generator: - `Cluster-GCN node classification <>`__ - `Cluster-GCN node classification with Neo4j <>`__ - `unsupervised representation learning with Deep Graph Infomax <>`__ Args: G (StellarGraph): a machine-learning StellarGraph-type graph clusters (int or list, optional): If int, it indicates the number of clusters (default is 1, corresponding to the entire graph). If `clusters` is greater than 1, then nodes are randomly assigned to a cluster. If list, then it should be a list of lists of node IDs, such that each list corresponds to a cluster of nodes in `G`. The clusters should be non-overlapping. q (int, optional): The number of clusters to combine for each mini-batch (default is 1). The total number of clusters must be divisible by `q`. lam (float, optional): The mixture coefficient for adjacency matrix normalisation (default is 0.1). Valid values are in the interval [0, 1]. weighted (bool, optional): if True, use the edge weights from ``G``; if False, treat the graph as unweighted. name (str, optional): Name for the node generator. """ def __init__(self, G, clusters=1, q=1, lam=0.1, weighted=False, name=None): if not isinstance(G, (StellarGraph, Neo4jStellarGraph)): raise TypeError("Graph must be a StellarGraph or StellarDiGraph object.") self.graph = G = name self.q = q # The number of clusters to sample per mini-batch self.lam = lam self.clusters = clusters self.method = "cluster_gcn" self.multiplicity = 1 self.use_sparse = False self.weighted = weighted if isinstance(clusters, list): self.k = len(clusters) elif isinstance(clusters, int): if clusters <= 0: raise ValueError( "{}: clusters must be greater than 0.".format(type(self).__name__) ) self.k = clusters else: raise TypeError( "{}: clusters must be either int or list type.".format( type(self).__name__ ) ) # Some error checking on the given parameter values if not isinstance(lam, float): raise TypeError("{}: lam must be a float type.".format(type(self).__name__)) if lam < 0 or lam > 1: raise ValueError( "{}: lam must be in the range [0, 1].".format(type(self).__name__) ) if not isinstance(q, int): raise TypeError("{}: q must be integer type.".format(type(self).__name__)) if q <= 0: raise ValueError( "{}: q must be greater than 0.".format(type(self).__name__) ) if self.k % q != 0: raise ValueError( "{}: the number of clusters must be exactly divisible by q.".format( type(self).__name__ ) ) self.node_list = list(G.nodes()) # if graph is a StellarGraph check that the graph has features G.check_graph_for_ml(expensive_check=False) # Check that there is only a single node type _ = G.unique_node_type( "G: expected a graph with a single node type, found a graph with node types: %(found)s" ) if isinstance(clusters, int): # We are not given graph clusters. # We are going to split the graph into self.k random clusters all_nodes = list(G.nodes()) random.shuffle(all_nodes) cluster_size = len(all_nodes) // self.k self.clusters = [ all_nodes[i : i + cluster_size] for i in range(0, len(all_nodes), cluster_size) ] if len(self.clusters) > self.k: # for the case that the number of nodes is not exactly divisible by k, we combine # the last cluster with the second last one self.clusters[-2].extend(self.clusters[-1]) del self.clusters[-1] print(f"Number of clusters {self.k}") for i, c in enumerate(self.clusters): print(f"{i} cluster has size {len(c)}") # Store the features of one node to allow graph ML models to peak at the feature dimension # FIXME 1621: store feature_dimension here instead of features. This must also update ClusterGCN, and all # fullbactch methods and generators self.features = G.node_features(self.node_list[:1])
[docs] def num_batch_dims(self): return 2
[docs] def flow(self, node_ids, targets=None, name=None): """ Creates a generator/sequence object for training, evaluation, or prediction with the supplied node ids and numeric targets. Args: node_ids (iterable): an iterable of node ids for the nodes of interest (e.g., training, validation, or test set nodes) targets (2d array, optional): a 2D array of numeric node targets with shape ``(len(node_ids), target_size)`` name (str, optional): An optional name for the returned generator object. Returns: A :class:`ClusterNodeSequence` object to use with :class:`.GCN`, :class:`.GAT` or :class:`.APPNP` in Keras methods :meth:`fit`, :meth:`evaluate`, and :meth:`predict`. """ if targets is not None: # Check targets is an iterable if not is_real_iterable(targets): raise TypeError( "{}: Targets must be an iterable or None".format( type(self).__name__ ) ) # Check targets correct shape if len(targets) != len(node_ids): raise ValueError( "{}: Targets must be the same length as node_ids".format( type(self).__name__ ) ) return ClusterNodeSequence( self.graph, self.clusters, targets=targets, node_ids=node_ids, q=self.q, lam=self.lam, weighted=self.weighted, name=name, )
[docs] def default_corrupt_input_index_groups(self): return [[0]]
class ClusterNodeSequence(Sequence): """ A Keras-compatible data generator for node inference using ClusterGCN model. Use this class with the Keras methods :meth:``, :meth:`keras.Model.evaluate`, and :meth:`keras.Model.predict`. This class should be created using the :meth:`flow` method of :class:`.ClusterNodeGenerator`. Args: graph (StellarGraph): The graph clusters (list): A list of lists such that each sub-list indicates the nodes in a cluster. The length of this list, len(clusters) indicates the number of batches in one epoch. targets (np.ndarray, optional): An optional array of node targets of size (N x C), where C is the target size (e.g., number of classes for one-hot class targets) node_ids (iterable, optional): The node IDs for the target nodes. Required if targets is not None. normalize_adj (bool, optional): Specifies whether the adjacency matrix for each mini-batch should be normalized or not. The default is True. q (int, optional): The number of subgraphs to combine for each batch. The default value is 1 such that the generator treats each subgraph as a batch. lam (float, optional): The mixture coefficient for adjacency matrix normalisation (the 'diagonal enhancement' method). Valid values are in the interval [0, 1] and the default value is 0.1. name (str, optional): An optional name for this generator object. """ def __init__( self, graph, clusters, targets=None, node_ids=None, normalize_adj=True, q=1, lam=0.1, weighted=False, name=None, ): = name self.clusters = list() self.clusters_original = copy.deepcopy(clusters) self.graph = graph self.node_list = list(graph.nodes()) self.normalize_adj = normalize_adj self.q = q self.lam = lam self.weighted = weighted self.node_order = list() self._node_order_in_progress = list() self.__node_buffer = dict() self.target_ids = list() if len(clusters) % self.q != 0: raise ValueError( "The number of clusters should be exactly divisible by q. However, {} number of clusters is not exactly divisible by {}.".format( len(clusters), q ) ) if node_ids is not None: self.target_ids = list(node_ids) if targets is not None: if node_ids is None: raise ValueError( "Since targets is not None, node_ids must be given and cannot be None." ) if len(node_ids) != len(targets): raise ValueError( "When passed together targets and indices should be the same length." ) self.targets = np.asanyarray(targets) self.target_node_lookup = dict( zip(self.target_ids, range(len(self.target_ids))) ) else: self.targets = None self.on_epoch_end() def __len__(self): num_batches = len(self.clusters_original) // self.q return num_batches def _diagonal_enhanced_normalization(self, adj_cluster): # Cluster-GCN normalization is: # A~ + λdiag(A~) where A~ = N(A + I) with normalization factor N = (D + I)^(-1) # # Expands to: # NA + NI + λN(diag(A) + I) = # NA + N(I + λ(diag(A) + I)) = # NA + λN(diag(A) + (1 + 1/λ)I)) # # (This could potentially become a layer, to benefit from a GPU.) degrees = np.asarray(adj_cluster.sum(axis=1)).ravel() normalization = 1 / (degrees + 1) # NA: multiply rows manually norm_adj = adj_cluster.multiply(normalization[:, None]).toarray() # λN(diag(A) + (1 + 1/λ)I): work with the diagonals directly diag = np.diag(norm_adj) diag_addition = ( normalization * self.lam * (adj_cluster.diagonal() + (1 + 1 / self.lam)) ) np.fill_diagonal(norm_adj, diag + diag_addition) return norm_adj def __getitem__(self, index): # The next batch should be the adjacency matrix for the cluster and the corresponding feature vectors # and targets if available. cluster = self.clusters[index] adj_cluster = self.graph.to_adjacency_matrix(cluster, weighted=self.weighted) if self.normalize_adj: adj_cluster = self._diagonal_enhanced_normalization(adj_cluster) else: adj_cluster = adj_cluster.toarray() g_node_list = list(cluster) # Determine the target nodes that exist in this cluster target_nodes_in_cluster = np.asanyarray( list(set(g_node_list).intersection(self.target_ids)) ) self.__node_buffer[index] = target_nodes_in_cluster # Dictionary to store node indices for quicker node index lookups node_lookup = dict(zip(g_node_list, range(len(g_node_list)))) # The list of indices of the target nodes in self.node_list target_node_indices = np.array( [node_lookup[n] for n in target_nodes_in_cluster] ) if index == (len(self.clusters_original) // self.q) - 1: # last batch self.__node_buffer_dict_to_list() cluster_targets = None # if self.targets is not None: # Dictionary to store node indices for quicker node index lookups # The list of indices of the target nodes in self.node_list cluster_target_indices = np.array( [self.target_node_lookup[n] for n in target_nodes_in_cluster], dtype=np.int64, ) cluster_targets = self.targets[cluster_target_indices] cluster_targets = cluster_targets.reshape((1,) + cluster_targets.shape) features = self.graph.node_features(g_node_list) features = np.reshape(features, (1,) + features.shape) adj_cluster = adj_cluster.reshape((1,) + adj_cluster.shape) target_node_indices = target_node_indices[np.newaxis, :] return [features, target_node_indices, adj_cluster], cluster_targets def __node_buffer_dict_to_list(self): self.node_order = [] for k, v in self.__node_buffer.items(): self.node_order.extend(v) def on_epoch_end(self): """ Shuffle all nodes at the end of each epoch """ if self.q > 1: # combine clusters cluster_indices = list(range(len(self.clusters_original))) random.shuffle(cluster_indices) self.clusters = [] for i in range(0, len(cluster_indices) - 1, self.q): cc = cluster_indices[i : i + self.q] tmp = [] for l in cc: tmp.extend(list(self.clusters_original[l])) self.clusters.append(tmp) else: self.clusters = copy.deepcopy(self.clusters_original) self.__node_buffer = dict() random.shuffle(self.clusters)