Source code for stellargraph.mapper.graphwave_generator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 Data61, CSIRO
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import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
import numpy as np
from ..core import StellarGraph
from ..core.validation import require_integer_in_range
from .base import Generator
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs
from scipy.sparse import diags

[docs]class GraphWaveGenerator(Generator): """ Implementation of the GraphWave structural embedding algorithm from the paper: "Learning Structural Node Embeddings via Diffusion Wavelets" ( This class is minimally with a StellarGraph object. Calling the flow function will return a TensorFlow DataSet that contains the GraphWave embeddings. This implementation differs from the paper by removing the automatic method of calculating scales. This method was found to not work well in practice, and replicating the results of the paper requires manually specifying much larger scales than those automatically calculated. .. seealso:: Example using this generator: `unsupervised representation learning <>`__. Args: G (StellarGraph): the StellarGraph object. scales (iterable of floats): the wavelet scales to use. Smaller values embed smaller scale structural features, and larger values embed larger structural features. degree: the degree of the Chebyshev polynomial to use. Higher degrees yield more accurate results but at a higher computational cost. According to [1], the default value of 20 is accurate enough for most applications. [1] D. I. Shuman, P. Vandergheynst, and P. Frossard, “Chebyshev Polynomial Approximation for Distributed Signal Processing,” """ def __init__(self, G, scales=(5, 10), degree=20): if not isinstance(G, StellarGraph): raise TypeError("G must be a StellarGraph object.") # Check that there is only a single node type _ = G.unique_node_type( "G: expected a graph with a single node type, found a graph with node types: %(found)s" ) require_integer_in_range(degree, "degree", min_val=1) # Create sparse adjacency matrix: adj = G.to_adjacency_matrix().tocoo() # Function to map node IDs to indices for quicker node index lookups self._node_lookup = G.node_ids_to_ilocs degree_mat = diags(np.asarray(adj.sum(1)).ravel()) laplacian = degree_mat - adj laplacian = laplacian.tocoo() self.scales = np.array(scales).astype(np.float32) max_eig = eigs(laplacian, k=1, return_eigenvectors=False) self.max_eig = np.real(max_eig).astype(np.float32)[0] coeffs = [ np.polynomial.chebyshev.Chebyshev.interpolate( lambda x: np.exp(-s * x), domain=[0, self.max_eig], deg=degree ).coef.astype(np.float32) for s in scales ] self.coeffs = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.stack(coeffs, axis=0)) self.laplacian = tf.sparse.SparseTensor( indices=np.column_stack((laplacian.row, laplacian.col)),, dense_shape=laplacian.shape, )
[docs] def num_batch_dims(self): return 1
[docs] def flow( self, node_ids, sample_points, batch_size, targets=None, shuffle=False, seed=None, repeat=False, num_parallel_calls=1, ): """ Creates a TensorFlow DataSet object of GraphWave embeddings. The dimension of the embeddings are `2 * len(scales) * len(sample_points)`. Args: node_ids: an iterable of node ids for the nodes of interest (e.g., training, validation, or test set nodes) sample_points: a 1D array of points at which to sample the characteristic function. This should be of the form: `sample_points=np.linspace(0, max_val, number_of_samples)` and is graph dependent. batch_size (int): the number of node embeddings to include in a batch. targets: a 1D or 2D array of numeric node targets with shape ``(len(node_ids),)`` or ``(len(node_ids), target_size)`` shuffle (bool): indicates whether to shuffle the dataset after each epoch seed (int,optional): the random seed to use for shuffling the dataset repeat (bool): indicates whether iterating through the DataSet will continue infinitely or stop after one full pass. num_parallel_calls (int): number of threads to use. """ require_integer_in_range(batch_size, "batch_size", min_val=1) require_integer_in_range(num_parallel_calls, "num_parallel_calls", min_val=1) if not isinstance(shuffle, bool): raise TypeError(f"shuffle: expected bool, found {type(shuffle).__name__}") if not isinstance(repeat, bool): raise TypeError(f"repeat: expected bool, found {type(repeat).__name__}") ts = tf.convert_to_tensor(sample_points.astype(np.float32)) def _map_func(x): return _empirical_characteristic_function( _chebyshev(x, self.laplacian, self.coeffs, self.max_eig), ts, ) node_idxs = self._node_lookup(node_ids) # calculates the columns of U exp(-scale * eigenvalues) U^T on the fly # empirically calculate the characteristic function for each column of U exp(-scale * eigenvalues) U^T dataset = tf.sparse.SparseTensor( indices=np.stack([np.arange(len(node_ids)), node_idxs], axis=1), dense_shape=(len(node_ids), self.laplacian.shape[0]), values=np.ones(len(node_ids), dtype=np.float32), ) ).map(_map_func, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls) if targets is not None: target_dataset = dataset =, target_dataset)) # cache embeddings in memory for performance dataset = dataset.cache() if shuffle: dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=len(node_ids), seed=seed) if repeat: return dataset.batch(batch_size).repeat() else: return dataset.batch(batch_size)
def _empirical_characteristic_function(samples, ts): """ This function estimates the characteristic function for the wavelet spread of a single node. Args: samples (Tensor): a tensor of samples drawn from a wavelet distribution at different scales. ts (Tensor): a tensor containing the "time" points to sample the characteristic function at. Returns: embedding (Tensor): the node embedding for the GraphWave algorithm. """ # (scales, ns) -> (1, scales, ns) samples = samples[tf.newaxis, :, :] # (nt,) -> (nt, 1, 1) ts = ts[:, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis] # (1, scales, ns) * (nt, 1, 1) -> (nt, scales, ns) via broadcasting rules t_psi = samples * ts # (nt, scales, ns) -> (nt, scales) mean_cos_t_psi = tf.math.reduce_mean(tf.math.cos(t_psi), axis=2) # (nt, scales, ns) -> (nt, scales) mean_sin_t_psi = tf.math.reduce_mean(tf.math.sin(t_psi), axis=2) # [(nt, scales), (nt, scales)] -> (2 * nt * scales,) embedding = K.flatten(tf.concat([mean_cos_t_psi, mean_sin_t_psi], axis=0)) return embedding def _chebyshev(one_hot_encoded_col, laplacian, coeffs, max_eig): """ This function calculates one column of the Chebyshev approximation of exp(-scale * laplacian) for all scales using the approach from: See equations (7)-(11) for more info. Args: one_hot_encoded_col (SparseTensor): a sparse tensor indicating which column (node) to calculate. laplacian (SparseTensor): the unnormalized graph laplacian coeffs: the Chebyshev coefficients for exp(-scale * x) for each scale in the shape (num_scales, deg) Returns: (num_scales, num_nodes) tensor of the wavelets for each scale for the specified node. """ # Chebyshev polynomials are in range [-1, 1] by default so we shift the coordinates here # the laplacian in the new coordinates is y = (L / a) - I. But y is only accessed through matrix vector # multiplications so we model it as a linear operator def y(vector): return, vector) / a - vector a = max_eig / 2 # f is a one-hot vector to select a column from the Laplacian # this allows to compute the filtered laplacian (psi in the paper) one column at time # using only matrix vector products f = tf.reshape( tf.sparse.to_dense(one_hot_encoded_col), shape=(laplacian.shape[0], 1) ) T_0 = f # If = f T_1 = y(f) cheby_polys = [T_0, T_1] for i in range(coeffs.shape[1] - 2): cheby_poly = 2 * y(cheby_polys[-1]) - cheby_polys[-2] cheby_polys.append(cheby_poly) # note: difference to the paper. the 0th coefficient is not halved here because its # automatically halved by numpy cheby_polys = K.squeeze(tf.stack(cheby_polys, axis=0), axis=-1) return tf.matmul(coeffs, cheby_polys)