Source code for stellargraph.utils.hyperbolic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 Data61, CSIRO
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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__all__ = [

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

# helper functions to manage numerical issues, inspired by

ATANH_LIMIT = tf.math.nextafter(1, 0)

def _project(c, x):
    Ensure ``x`` lies on the Poincaré ball with curvature ``-c``, in the presence of small numerical
    max_norm = tf.math.rsqrt(c) * (1 - PROJECTION_EPS)
    return tf.clip_by_norm(x, clip_norm=max_norm, axes=-1)

def _tanh(x):
    return tf.tanh(tf.clip_by_value(x, -TANH_LIMIT, TANH_LIMIT))

def _atanh(x):
    return tf.atanh(tf.clip_by_value(x, -ATANH_LIMIT, ATANH_LIMIT))

[docs]def poincare_ball_mobius_add(c, x, y): r""" Möbius addition of ``x`` and ``y``, on the Poincaré ball with curvature ``-c``: :math:`\mathbf{x} \oplus^c \mathbf{y}`. See Section 2 of [1] for more details. [1] O.-E. Ganea, G. Bécigneul, and T. Hofmann, “Hyperbolic Neural Networks,” `arXiv:1805.09112 <>`_, Jun. 2018. Args: c (tensorflow Tensor-like): the curvature of the hyperbolic space(s). Must be able to be broadcast to ``x`` and ``y``. x (tensorflow Tensor-like): a tensor containing vectors in hyperbolic space, where each vector is an element of the last axis (for example, if ``x`` has shape ``(2, 3, 4)``, it represents ``2 * 3 = 6`` hyperbolic vectors, each of length ``4``). Must be able to be broadcast to ``y``. y (tensorflow Tensor-like): a tensor containing vectors in hyperbolic space, where each vector is an element of the last axis similar to ``x``. Must be able to be broadcast to ``x``. Returns: A TensorFlow Tensor containing the Möbius addition of each of the vectors (last axis) in ``x`` and ``y``, using the corresponding curvature from ``c``. This tensor has the same shape as the Euclidean equivalent ``x + y``. """ x_norm2 = tf.reduce_sum(x * x, axis=-1, keepdims=True) y_norm2 = tf.reduce_sum(y * y, axis=-1, keepdims=True) x_dot_y = tf.reduce_sum(x * y, axis=-1, keepdims=True) inner = 1 + 2 * c * x_dot_y numer = (inner + c * y_norm2) * x + (1 - c * x_norm2) * y denom = inner + c * c * x_norm2 * y_norm2 return _project(c, numer / denom)
[docs]def poincare_ball_exp(c, x, v): r""" The exponential map of ``v`` at ``x`` on the Poincaré ball with curvature ``-c``: :math:`\exp_{\mathbf{x}}^c(\mathbf{v})`. See Section 2 of [1] for more details. [1] O.-E. Ganea, G. Bécigneul, and T. Hofmann, “Hyperbolic Neural Networks,” `arXiv:1805.09112 <>`_, Jun. 2018. Args: c (tensorflow Tensor-like): the curvature of the hyperbolic space(s). Must be able to be broadcast to ``x`` and ``v``. x (tensorflow Tensor-like, optional): a tensor containing vectors in hyperbolic space representing the base points for the exponential map, where each vector is an element of the last axis (for example, if ``x`` has shape ``(2, 3, 4)``, it represents ``2 * 3 = 6`` hyperbolic vectors, each of length ``4``). Must be able to be broadcast to ``v``. An explicit ``x = None`` is equivalent to ``x`` being all zeros, but uses a more efficient form of :math:`\exp_{\mathbf{0}}^c(\mathbf{v})`. v (tensorflow Tensor-like): a tensor containing vectors in Euclidean space representing the tangent vectors for the exponential map, where each vector is an element of the last axis similar to ``x``. Must be able to be broadcast to ``x``. """ v_norm2 = tf.reduce_sum(v * v, axis=-1, keepdims=True) c_v_norm = tf.sqrt(c * v_norm2) if x is None: coeff = _tanh(c_v_norm) / c_v_norm return _project(c, coeff * v) x_norm2 = tf.reduce_sum(x * x, axis=-1, keepdims=True) inner = c_v_norm / (1 - c * x_norm2) coeff = _tanh(inner) / c_v_norm return poincare_ball_mobius_add(c, x, coeff * v)
[docs]def poincare_ball_distance(c, x, y): r""" Distance between ``x`` and ``y``, on the Poincaré ball with curvature ``-c``: :math:`d_c(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y})`. See Section 2 of [1] for more details. [1] O.-E. Ganea, G. Bécigneul, and T. Hofmann, “Hyperbolic Neural Networks,” `arXiv:1805.09112 <>`_, Jun. 2018. Args: c (tensorflow Tensor-like): the curvature of the hyperbolic space(s). Must be able to be broadcast to ``x`` and ``y``. x (tensorflow Tensor-like): a tensor containing vectors in hyperbolic space, where each vector is an element of the last axis (for example, if ``x`` has shape ``(2, 3, 4)``, it represents ``2 * 3 = 6`` hyperbolic vectors, each of length ``4``). Must be able to be broadcast to ``y``. y (tensorflow Tensor-like): a tensor containing vectors in hyperbolic space, where each vector is an element of the last axis similar to ``x``. Must be able to be broadcast to ``x``. Returns: A TensorFlow Tensor containing the hyperbolic distance between each of the vectors (last axis) in ``x`` and ``y``, using the corresponding curvature from ``c``. This tensor has the same shape as the Euclidean equivalent ``tf.norm(x - y)``. """ sqrt_c = tf.sqrt(c) return (2 / sqrt_c) * _atanh( sqrt_c * tf.norm(poincare_ball_mobius_add(c, -x, y), axis=-1) )