Source code for stellargraph.utils.history

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 Data61, CSIRO
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = ["plot_history"]

[docs]def plot_history(history, individual_figsize=(7, 4), return_figure=False, **kwargs): """ Plot the training history of one or more models. This creates a column of plots, with one plot for each metric recorded during training, with the plot showing the metric vs. epoch. If multiple models have been trained (that is, a list of histories is passed in), each metric plot includes multiple train and validation series. Validation data is optional (it is detected by metrics with names starting with ``val_``). Args: history: the training history, as returned by :meth:`` individual_figsize (tuple of numbers): the size of the plot for each metric return_figure (bool): if True, then the figure object with the plots is returned, None otherwise. kwargs: additional arguments to pass to :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` Returns: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`: The figure object with the plots if ``return_figure=True``, None otherwise """ # explicit colours are needed if there's multiple train or multiple validation series, because # each train series should have the same color. This uses the global matplotlib defaults that # would be used for a single train and validation series. colors = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] color_train = colors[0] color_validation = colors[1] if not isinstance(history, list): history = [history] def remove_prefix(text, prefix): return text[text.startswith(prefix) and len(prefix) :] metrics = sorted({remove_prefix(m, "val_") for m in history[0].history.keys()}) width, height = individual_figsize overall_figsize = (width, len(metrics) * height) # plot each metric in a column, so that epochs are aligned (squeeze=False, so we don't have to # special case len(metrics) == 1 in the zip) fig, all_axes = plt.subplots( len(metrics), 1, squeeze=False, sharex="col", figsize=overall_figsize, **kwargs ) has_validation = False for ax, m in zip(all_axes[:, 0], metrics): for h in history: # summarize history for metric m ax.plot(h.history[m], c=color_train) try: val = h.history["val_" + m] except KeyError: # no validation data for this metric pass else: ax.plot(val, c=color_validation) has_validation = True ax.set_ylabel(m, fontsize="x-large") # don't be redundant: only include legend on the top plot labels = ["train"] if has_validation: labels.append("validation") all_axes[0, 0].legend(labels, loc="best", fontsize="x-large") # ... and only label "epoch" on the bottom all_axes[-1, 0].set_xlabel("epoch", fontsize="x-large") # minimise whitespace fig.tight_layout() if return_figure: return fig