Source code for stellargraph.layer.gcn_lstm

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import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.keras import activations, initializers, constraints, regularizers
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Layer, Dropout, LSTM, Dense, Permute, Reshape
from ..mapper import SlidingFeaturesNodeGenerator
from ..core.experimental import experimental
from ..core.utils import calculate_laplacian

[docs]class FixedAdjacencyGraphConvolution(Layer): """ Graph Convolution (GCN) Keras layer. The implementation is based on Original paper: Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks. Thomas N. Kipf, Max Welling, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2017 Notes: - The inputs are 3 dimensional tensors: batch size, sequence length, and number of nodes. - This class assumes that a simple unweighted or weighted adjacency matrix is passed to it, the normalized Laplacian matrix is calculated within the class. Args: units (int): dimensionality of output feature vectors A (N x N): weighted/unweighted adjacency matrix activation (str or func): nonlinear activation applied to layer's output to obtain output features use_bias (bool): toggles an optional bias kernel_initializer (str or func, optional): The initialiser to use for the weights. kernel_regularizer (str or func, optional): The regulariser to use for the weights. kernel_constraint (str or func, optional): The constraint to use for the weights. bias_initializer (str or func, optional): The initialiser to use for the bias. bias_regularizer (str or func, optional): The regulariser to use for the bias. bias_constraint (str or func, optional): The constraint to use for the bias. """ def __init__( self, units, A, activation=None, use_bias=True, input_dim=None, kernel_initializer="glorot_uniform", kernel_regularizer=None, kernel_constraint=None, bias_initializer="zeros", bias_regularizer=None, bias_constraint=None, **kwargs, ): if "input_shape" not in kwargs and input_dim is not None: kwargs["input_shape"] = (input_dim,) self.units = units self.adj = calculate_laplacian(A) self.activation = activations.get(activation) self.use_bias = use_bias self.kernel_initializer = initializers.get(kernel_initializer) self.kernel_regularizer = regularizers.get(kernel_regularizer) self.kernel_constraint = constraints.get(kernel_constraint) self.bias_initializer = initializers.get(bias_initializer) self.bias_regularizer = regularizers.get(bias_regularizer) self.bias_constraint = constraints.get(bias_constraint) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_config(self): """ Gets class configuration for Keras serialization. Used by Keras model serialization. Returns: A dictionary that contains the config of the layer """ config = { "units": self.units, "use_bias": self.use_bias, "activation": activations.serialize(self.activation), "kernel_initializer": initializers.serialize(self.kernel_initializer), "kernel_regularizer": regularizers.serialize(self.kernel_regularizer), "kernel_constraint": constraints.serialize(self.kernel_constraint), "bias_initializer": initializers.serialize(self.bias_initializer), "bias_regularizer": regularizers.serialize(self.bias_regularizer), "bias_constraint": constraints.serialize(self.bias_constraint), } base_config = super().get_config() return {**base_config, **config}
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shapes): """ Computes the output shape of the layer. Assumes the following inputs: Args: input_shapes (tuple of int) Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, instead of an integer. Returns: An input shape tuple. """ feature_shape = input_shapes return feature_shape[0], feature_shape[1], self.units
[docs] def build(self, input_shapes): """ Builds the layer Args: input_shapes (list of int): shapes of the layer's inputs (the batches of node features) """ _batch_dim, n_nodes, features = input_shapes self.A = self.add_weight( name="A", shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes), trainable=False, initializer=initializers.constant(self.adj), ) self.kernel = self.add_weight( shape=(features, self.units), initializer=self.kernel_initializer, name="kernel", regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, constraint=self.kernel_constraint, ) if self.use_bias: self.bias = self.add_weight( # ensure the per-node bias can be broadcast across each feature shape=(n_nodes, 1), initializer=self.bias_initializer, name="bias", regularizer=self.bias_regularizer, constraint=self.bias_constraint, ) else: self.bias = None self.built = True
[docs] def call(self, features): """ Applies the layer. Args: features (ndarray): node features (size B x N x F), where B is the batch size, F = TV is the feature size (consisting of the sequence length and the number of variates), and N is the number of nodes in the graph. Returns: Keras Tensor that represents the output of the layer. """ # Calculate the layer operation of GCN # shape = B x F x N nodes_last = tf.transpose(features, [0, 2, 1]) neighbours =, self.A) # shape = B x N x F h_graph = tf.transpose(neighbours, [0, 2, 1]) # shape = B x N x units output =, self.kernel) # Add optional bias & apply activation if self.bias is not None: output += self.bias output = self.activation(output) return output
[docs]@experimental( reason="Lack of unit tests and code refinement", issues=[1132, 1526, 1564] ) class GCN_LSTM: """ GCN_LSTM is a univariate timeseries forecasting method. The architecture comprises of a stack of N1 Graph Convolutional layers followed by N2 LSTM layers, a Dropout layer, and a Dense layer. This main components of GNN architecture is inspired by: T-GCN: A Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction ( The implementation of the above paper is based on one graph convolution layer stacked with a GRU layer. The StellarGraph implementation is built as a stack of the following set of layers: 1. User specified no. of Graph Convolutional layers 2. User specified no. of LSTM layers 3. 1 Dense layer 4. 1 Dropout layer. The last two layers consistently showed better performance and regularization experimentally. .. seealso:: Example using GCN_LSTM: `spatio-temporal time-series prediction <>`__. Appropriate data generator: :class:`.SlidingFeaturesNodeGenerator`. Related model: :class:`.GCN` for graphs without time-series node features. Args: seq_len: No. of LSTM cells adj: unweighted/weighted adjacency matrix of [no.of nodes by no. of nodes dimension gc_layer_sizes (list of int): Output sizes of Graph Convolution layers in the stack. lstm_layer_sizes (list of int): Output sizes of LSTM layers in the stack. generator (SlidingFeaturesNodeGenerator): A generator instance. bias (bool): If True, a bias vector is learnt for each layer in the GCN model. dropout (float): Dropout rate applied to input features of each GCN layer. gc_activations (list of str or func): Activations applied to each layer's output; defaults to ``['relu', ..., 'relu']``. lstm_activations (list of str or func): Activations applied to each layer's output; defaults to ``['tanh', ..., 'tanh']``. kernel_initializer (str or func, optional): The initialiser to use for the weights of each layer. kernel_regularizer (str or func, optional): The regulariser to use for the weights of each layer. kernel_constraint (str or func, optional): The constraint to use for the weights of each layer. bias_initializer (str or func, optional): The initialiser to use for the bias of each layer. bias_regularizer (str or func, optional): The regulariser to use for the bias of each layer. bias_constraint (str or func, optional): The constraint to use for the bias of each layer. """ def __init__( self, seq_len, adj, gc_layer_sizes, lstm_layer_sizes, gc_activations=None, generator=None, lstm_activations=None, bias=True, dropout=0.5, kernel_initializer=None, kernel_regularizer=None, kernel_constraint=None, bias_initializer=None, bias_regularizer=None, bias_constraint=None, ): if generator is not None: if not isinstance(generator, SlidingFeaturesNodeGenerator): raise ValueError( f"generator: expected a SlidingFeaturesNodeGenerator, found {type(generator).__name__}" ) if seq_len is not None or adj is not None: raise ValueError( "expected only one of generator and (seq_len, adj) to be specified, found multiple" ) adj = generator.graph.to_adjacency_matrix(weighted=True).todense() seq_len = generator.window_size variates = generator.variates else: variates = None super(GCN_LSTM, self).__init__() n_gc_layers = len(gc_layer_sizes) n_lstm_layers = len(lstm_layer_sizes) self.lstm_layer_sizes = lstm_layer_sizes self.gc_layer_sizes = gc_layer_sizes self.bias = bias self.dropout = dropout self.adj = adj self.n_nodes = adj.shape[0] self.n_features = seq_len self.seq_len = seq_len self.multivariate_input = variates is not None self.variates = variates if self.multivariate_input else 1 self.outputs = self.n_nodes * self.variates self.kernel_initializer = initializers.get(kernel_initializer) self.kernel_regularizer = regularizers.get(kernel_regularizer) self.kernel_constraint = constraints.get(kernel_constraint) self.bias_initializer = initializers.get(bias_initializer) self.bias_regularizer = regularizers.get(bias_regularizer) self.bias_constraint = constraints.get(bias_constraint) # Activation function for each gcn layer if gc_activations is None: gc_activations = ["relu"] * n_gc_layers elif len(gc_activations) != n_gc_layers: raise ValueError( "Invalid number of activations; require one function per graph convolution layer" ) self.gc_activations = gc_activations # Activation function for each lstm layer if lstm_activations is None: lstm_activations = ["tanh"] * n_lstm_layers elif len(lstm_activations) != n_lstm_layers: padding_size = n_lstm_layers - len(lstm_activations) if padding_size > 0: lstm_activations = lstm_activations + ["tanh"] * padding_size else: raise ValueError( "Invalid number of activations; require one function per lstm layer" ) self.lstm_activations = lstm_activations self._gc_layers = [ FixedAdjacencyGraphConvolution( units=self.variates * layer_size, A=self.adj, activation=activation, kernel_initializer=self.kernel_initializer, kernel_regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, kernel_constraint=self.kernel_constraint, bias_initializer=self.bias_initializer, bias_regularizer=self.bias_regularizer, bias_constraint=self.bias_constraint, ) for layer_size, activation in zip(self.gc_layer_sizes, self.gc_activations) ] self._lstm_layers = [ LSTM(layer_size, activation=activation, return_sequences=True) for layer_size, activation in zip( self.lstm_layer_sizes[:-1], self.lstm_activations ) ] self._lstm_layers.append( LSTM( self.lstm_layer_sizes[-1], activation=self.lstm_activations[-1], return_sequences=False, ) ) self._decoder_layer = Dense(self.outputs, activation="sigmoid") def __call__(self, x): x_in, out_indices = x h_layer = x_in if not self.multivariate_input: # normalize to always have a final variate dimension, with V = 1 if it doesn't exist # shape = B x N x T x 1 h_layer = tf.expand_dims(h_layer, axis=-1) # flatten variates into sequences, for convolution # shape B x N x (TV) h_layer = Reshape((self.n_nodes, self.seq_len * self.variates))(h_layer) for layer in self._gc_layers: h_layer = layer(h_layer) # return the layer to its natural multivariate tensor form # shape B x N x T' x V (where T' is the sequence length of the last GC) h_layer = Reshape((self.n_nodes, -1, self.variates))(h_layer) # put time dimension first for LSTM layers # shape B x T' x N x V h_layer = Permute((2, 1, 3))(h_layer) # flatten the variates across all nodes, shape B x T' x (N V) h_layer = Reshape((-1, self.n_nodes * self.variates))(h_layer) for layer in self._lstm_layers: h_layer = layer(h_layer) h_layer = Dropout(self.dropout)(h_layer) h_layer = self._decoder_layer(h_layer) if self.multivariate_input: # flatten things out to the multivariate shape # shape B x N x V h_layer = Reshape((self.n_nodes, self.variates))(h_layer) return h_layer
[docs] def in_out_tensors(self): """ Builds a GCN model for node feature prediction Returns: tuple: ``(x_inp, x_out)``, where ``x_inp`` is a list of Keras/TensorFlow input tensors for the GCN model and ``x_out`` is a tensor of the GCN model output. """ # Inputs for features if self.multivariate_input: shape = (None, self.n_nodes, self.n_features, self.variates) else: shape = (None, self.n_nodes, self.n_features) x_t = Input(batch_shape=shape) # Indices to gather for model output out_indices_t = Input(batch_shape=(None, self.n_nodes), dtype="int32") x_inp = [x_t, out_indices_t] x_out = self(x_inp) return x_inp[0], x_out