Source code for stellargraph.connector.neo4j.graph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2020 Data61, CSIRO
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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__all__ = ["Neo4jStellarGraph", "Neo4jStellarDiGraph"]

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sps
import pandas as pd
import re
import warnings
from ... import globalvar
from ...core.experimental import experimental
from ...core import convert
from ...core.indexed_array import IndexedArray
from ...core.graph import extract_element_features
from ...core.validation import comma_sep

[docs]@experimental(reason="the class is not tested", issues=[1578]) class Neo4jStellarGraph: """ Neo4jStellarGraph class for graph machine learning on graphs stored in a Neo4j database. This class communicates with Neo4j via a p2neo.Graph connected to the graph database of interest and contains functions to query the graph data necessary for machine learning. Args: graph_db (py2neo.Graph): a py2neo.Graph connected to a Neo4j graph database. node_label (str, optional): Common label for all nodes in the graph, if such label exists. Providing this is useful if there are any indexes created on this label (e.g. on node IDs), as it will improve performance of queries. id_property (str, optional): Name of Neo4j property to use as ID. features_property (str, optional): Name of Neo4j property to use as features. is_directed (bool, optional): If True, the data represents a directed multigraph, otherwise an undirected multigraph. """ def __init__( self, graph_db, node_label=None, id_property=globalvar.NEO4J_ID_PROPERTY, features_property=globalvar.NEO4J_FEATURES_PROPERTY, is_directed=False, ): try: import py2neo except ModuleNotFoundError as e: raise ModuleNotFoundError( f"{e.msg}. StellarGraph can only connect to Neo4j using the 'py2neo' module; please install it",, path=e.path, ) from None # check for node ID constraint warn_msg = "Queries may be slow to run and may experience unexpected behaviour if there are duplicate IDs. Please consider creating a uniqueness constraint on a label applied to all nodes in the graph." if node_label is None: warnings.warn( "node_label: No node label provided. " + warn_msg, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2, ) else: constraint_query = """ CALL db.constraints """ constraint_regex = re.compile( rf"^CONSTRAINT ON \( \w+:{node_label} \) ASSERT \(\w+.{id_property}\) IS UNIQUE$" ) constraint_exists = False for c in if constraint_regex.match(c["description"]): # found constraint on node IDs constraint_exists = True break if not constraint_exists: warnings.warn( f"node_label: No uniqueness constraint found on IDs of nodes with label '{node_label}'. {warn_msg}", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.graph_db = graph_db def raw_and_cypher(raw): if raw is not None: return raw, py2neo.cypher_escape(raw) else: return None, None self.raw_node_label, self.cypher_node_label = raw_and_cypher(node_label) self._is_directed = is_directed self._node_feature_size = None self._nodes = None # names of properties to use when querying the database self.raw_id_property, self.cypher_id_property = raw_and_cypher(id_property) self.raw_features_property, self.cypher_features_property = raw_and_cypher( features_property ) # FIXME: methods in this class currently only support homogeneous graphs with default node type self._node_type = globalvar.NODE_TYPE_DEFAULT def _match_node(self): if self.cypher_node_label is not None: return f"MATCH (node:{self.cypher_node_label})" else: return "MATCH (node)"
[docs] def nodes(self): """ Obtains the collection of nodes in the graph. Returns: The node IDs of all the nodes in the graph. """ node_ids_query = f""" {self._match_node()} RETURN node.{self.cypher_id_property} as node_id """ result = return [row["node_id"] for row in]
[docs] def cache_all_nodes_in_memory(self, dtype="float32"): """ Load all node IDs and features into memory from Neo4j so that subsequent method calls that access node features can use the cached data instead of querying the database. This method should be avoided for larger graphs. Args: dtype (str, optional): Data type of features """ features = self._node_features_from_db(None) self._nodes = convert.convert_nodes( features, name="nodes", default_type=self._node_type, dtype=dtype, ) # cache feature size too self._node_feature_size = self._nodes.features_of_type(self._node_type).shape[1]
def _node_features_from_db(self, nodes): return_node = f""" WITH {{ID: node.{self.cypher_id_property}, features: node.{self.cypher_features_property}}} AS node_data RETURN node_data """ if nodes is None: feature_query = f""" {self._match_node()} {return_node} """ result = rows = return IndexedArray( np.array([node["node_data"]["features"] for node in rows]), index=[node["node_data"]["ID"] for node in rows], ) else: if isinstance(nodes, np.ndarray): valid = nodes != None # we need to create a list with python types to run the neo4j query with nodes = [node.item() if node is not None else node for node in nodes] elif isinstance(nodes, list): valid = np.array(nodes) != None else: # single node valid = np.array([nodes is not None]) nodes = [nodes] # None's should be filled with zeros in the feature matrix features = np.zeros( (len(nodes), self.node_feature_sizes()[self._node_type]) ) # fill valid locs with features feature_query = f""" UNWIND $node_id_list AS node_id {self._match_node()} WHERE node.{self.cypher_id_property} = node_id {return_node} """ result = feature_query, parameters={"node_id_list": nodes} ) rows = # this method currently doesn't handle any other invalid IDs. If there are other # invalid ids, we should raise an error if len(rows) != sum(valid): ids = {node["node_data"]["ID"] for node in rows} invalid = [ node for node in nodes if node is not None and node not in ids ] raise ValueError( f"nodes: Found values that did not return any results from the database: {comma_sep(invalid)}" ) features[valid, :] = [row["node_data"]["features"] for row in rows] return IndexedArray(features, index=nodes)
[docs] def node_features(self, nodes): """ Get the numeric feature vectors for the specified nodes or node type. Args: nodes (list or hashable, optional): Node ID or list of node IDs. Returns: Numpy array containing the node features for the requested nodes. """ if self._nodes is not None: return extract_element_features( self._nodes, self.unique_node_type, "nodes", nodes, type=None, use_ilocs=False, ) else: return self._node_features_from_db(nodes).values
[docs] def node_feature_sizes(self): """ Get the feature sizes for the node types in the graph. This method obtains the feature size by sampling a random node from the graph. Currently this class only supports a single default node type, and makes the following assumptions: - all nodes have features as a single list - all nodes' features have the same size - there's no mutations that change the size(s) Returns: A dictionary of node type and integer feature size. """ if self._node_feature_size is None: # if feature size is unknown, take a random node's features feature_query = f""" {self._match_node()} RETURN size(node.{self.cypher_features_property}) LIMIT 1 """ self._node_feature_size = self.graph_db.evaluate(feature_query) return {self._node_type: self._node_feature_size}
[docs] def to_adjacency_matrix(self, node_ids, weighted=False): """ Obtains a SciPy sparse adjacency matrix for the subgraph containing the nodes specified in node_ids. Args: nodes (list): The collection of nodes comprising the subgraph. The adjacency matrix is computed for this subgraph. weighted (bool, optional): Must be false, at the moment. Returns: The weighted adjacency matrix. """ # this param is for compatibility with StellarGraph.to_adjacency_matrix if weighted: raise ValueError("weighted: expected False, found {weighted!r}") # neo4j optimizes this query to be O(edges incident to nodes) # not O(E) as it appears subgraph_query = f""" MATCH (source)-->(target) WHERE source.{self.cypher_id_property} IN $node_id_list AND target.{self.cypher_id_property} IN $node_id_list RETURN collect(source.{self.cypher_id_property}) AS sources, collect(target.{self.cypher_id_property}) as targets """ result = subgraph_query, parameters={"node_id_list": node_ids} ) data =[0] sources = np.array(data["sources"]) targets = np.array(data["targets"]) index = pd.Index(node_ids) src_idx = index.get_indexer(sources) tgt_idx = index.get_indexer(targets) weights = np.ones(len(sources), dtype=np.float32) shape = (len(node_ids), len(node_ids)) adj = sps.csr_matrix((weights, (src_idx, tgt_idx)), shape=shape) if not self.is_directed() and len(data) > 0: # in an undirected graph, the adjacency matrix should be symmetric: which means counting # weights from either "incoming" or "outgoing" edges, but not double-counting self loops # FIXME these operations, particularly the # diagonal, don't work for an empty matrix (n == 0) backward = adj.transpose(copy=True) # this is setdiag(0), but faster, since it doesn't change the sparsity structure of the # matrix ( (nonzero,) = backward.diagonal().nonzero() backward[nonzero, nonzero] = 0 adj += backward # this is a multigraph, let's eliminate any duplicate entries adj.sum_duplicates() return adj
def is_directed(self): return self._is_directed
[docs] def clusters(self, method="louvain"): """ Performs community detection to cluster the graph. Args: method (str, optional): specifies the algorithm to use, can be one of: "louvain", "labelPropagation". Returns: A list of lists, where each inner list corresponds to a cluster and contains the node ids of the nodes in that cluster. """ cluster_query = f""" CALL gds.{method}.stream({{ nodeQuery: 'MATCH (n) RETURN id(n) AS id', relationshipQuery: 'MATCH (n)-->(m) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target' }}) YIELD nodeId, communityId RETURN communityId, collect(gds.util.asNode(nodeId).{self.cypher_id_property}) AS node_ids """ clusters = [row[1] for row in] return clusters
[docs] def check_graph_for_ml(self, expensive_check=False): """ Checks if all properties required for machine learning training/inference are set up. An error will be raised if the graph is not correctly setup. """ if expensive_check: num_nodes_with_feats_query = f""" MATCH (n) WHERE EXISTS(n.{self.cypher_features_property}) RETURN n LIMIT 1 """ result = list( if len(result) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "This StellarGraph has no numeric feature attributes for nodes" "Node features are required for machine learning" )
[docs] def unique_node_type(self, error_message=None): """ Return the unique node type, for a homogeneous-node graph. Args: error_message (str, optional): a custom message to use for the exception; this can use the ``%(found)s`` placeholder to insert the real sequence of node types. Returns: If this graph has only one node type, this returns that node type, otherwise it raises a ``ValueError`` exception. """ return self._node_type
# A convenience class that merely specifies that edges have direction.
[docs]class Neo4jStellarDiGraph(Neo4jStellarGraph): def __init__( self, graph_db, node_label=None, id_property=globalvar.NEO4J_ID_PROPERTY, features_property=globalvar.NEO4J_FEATURES_PROPERTY, ): super().__init__( graph_db, node_label=node_label, id_property=id_property, features_property=features_property, is_directed=True, )