Source code for stellargraph.mapper.adjacency_generators

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# Copyright 2020 Data61, CSIRO
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import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
import numpy as np
from ..core import StellarGraph
from ..core.validation import require_integer_in_range
from ..core.utils import normalize_adj
from .base import Generator

[docs]class AdjacencyPowerGenerator(Generator): """ A data generator for use with the Watch Your Step algorithm [1]. It calculates and returns the first `num_powers` of the adjacency matrix row by row. Args: G (StellarGraph): a machine-learning StellarGraph-type graph num_powers (int): the number of adjacency powers to calculate. Defaults to `10` as this value was found to perform well by the authors of the paper. """ def __init__(self, G, num_powers=10): if not isinstance(G, StellarGraph): raise TypeError("G must be a StellarGraph object.") require_integer_in_range(num_powers, "num_powers", min_val=1) Aadj = G.to_adjacency_matrix().tocoo() indices = np.column_stack((Aadj.col, Aadj.row)) self.Aadj_T = tf.sparse.SparseTensor( indices=indices,, dense_shape=Aadj.shape, ) self.transition_matrix_T = tf.sparse.SparseTensor( indices=indices, values=normalize_adj(Aadj, symmetric=False).data.astype(np.float32), dense_shape=Aadj.shape, ) self.num_powers = num_powers
[docs] def num_batch_dims(self): return 1
[docs] def flow(self, batch_size, num_parallel_calls=1): """ Creates the `` object for training node embeddings from powers of the adjacency matrix. Args: batch_size (int): the number of rows of the adjacency powers to include in each batch. num_parallel_calls (int): the number of threads to use for pre-processing of batches. Returns: A `` object for training node embeddings from powers of the adjacency matrix. """ require_integer_in_range(batch_size, "batch_size", min_val=1) require_integer_in_range(num_parallel_calls, "num_parallel_calls", min_val=1) row_dataset = tf.sparse.eye(int(self.Aadj_T.shape[0])) ) adj_powers_dataset = lambda ohe_rows: _partial_powers( ohe_rows, self.transition_matrix_T, num_powers=self.num_powers ), num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls, ) row_index_dataset =[0]) row_index_adj_powers_dataset = (row_index_dataset, adj_powers_dataset) ) batch_adj_dataset = lambda ohe_rows: _select_row_from_sparse_tensor(ohe_rows, self.Aadj_T), num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls, ) training_dataset = (row_index_adj_powers_dataset, batch_adj_dataset) ).batch(batch_size) return training_dataset.repeat()
def _partial_powers(one_hot_encoded_row, Aadj_T, num_powers): """ This function computes the first num_powers powers of the adjacency matrix for the row specified in one_hot_encoded_row Args: one_hot_encoded_row: one-hot-encoded row Aadj_T: the transpose of the adjacency matrix num_powers (int): the adjacency number of powers to compute returns: A matrix of the shape (num_powers, Aadj_T.shape[1]) of the specified row of the first num_powers of the adjacency matrix. """ # make sure the transpose of the adjacency is used # tensorflow requires that the sparse matrix is the first operand partial_power = tf.reshape( tf.sparse.to_dense(one_hot_encoded_row), shape=(1, Aadj_T.shape[1]) ) partial_powers_list = [] for i in range(num_powers): partial_power = K.transpose(, K.transpose(partial_power))) partial_powers_list.append(partial_power) return K.squeeze(tf.stack(partial_powers_list, axis=1), axis=0) def _select_row_from_sparse_tensor(one_hot_encoded_row, sp_tensor_T): """ This function gathers the row specified in one_hot_encoded_row from the input sparse matrix Args: one_hot_encoded_row: one-hot-encoded row sp_tensor_T: the transpose of the sparse matrix returns: The specified row from sp_tensor_T. """ one_hot_encoded_row = tf.reshape( tf.sparse.to_dense(one_hot_encoded_row), shape=(1, sp_tensor_T.shape[1]) ) row_T =, K.transpose(one_hot_encoded_row)) row = K.transpose(row_T) return row