Source code for stellargraph.layer.attri2vec

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2020 Data61, CSIRO
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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__all__ = ["Attri2Vec"]

from tensorflow.keras import Input
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Lambda, Reshape, Embedding
import warnings
from .misc import deprecated_model_function
from ..mapper import Attri2VecLinkGenerator, Attri2VecNodeGenerator

def _require_without_generator(value, name):
    if value is not None:
        return value
        raise ValueError(
            f"{name}: expected a value for 'input_dim', 'node_num' and 'multiplicity' when "
            f"'generator' is not provided, found {name}=None."

[docs]class Attri2Vec: """ Implementation of the attri2vec algorithm of Zhang et al. with Keras layers. see: The model minimally requires specification of the layer sizes as a list of ints corresponding to the feature dimensions for each hidden layer and a generator object. Args: layer_sizes (list): Hidden feature dimensions for each layer. generator (Sequence): A NodeSequence or LinkSequence. bias (bool): If True a bias vector is learnt for each layer in the attri2vec model, default to False. activation (str): The activation function of each layer in the attri2vec model, which takes values from "linear", "relu" and "sigmoid"(default). normalize ("l2" or None): The normalization used after each layer, default to None. input_dim (int, optional): The dimensions of the node features used as input to the model. node_num (int, optional): The number of nodes in the given graph. multiplicity (int, optional): The number of nodes to process at a time. This is 1 for a node inference and 2 for link inference (currently no others are supported). .. note:: The values for ``input_dim``, ``node_num``, and ``multiplicity`` are obtained from the provided ``generator`` by default. The additional keyword arguments for these parameters provide an alternative way to specify them if a generator cannot be supplied. """ def __init__( self, layer_sizes, generator=None, bias=False, activation="sigmoid", normalize=None, input_dim=None, node_num=None, multiplicity=None, ): if activation == "linear" or activation == "relu" or activation == "sigmoid": self.activation = activation else: raise ValueError( "Activation should be either 'linear', 'relu' or 'sigmoid'; received '{}'".format( activation ) ) if normalize == "l2": self._normalization = Lambda(lambda x: K.l2_normalize(x, axis=-1)) elif normalize is None: self._normalization = Lambda(lambda x: x) else: raise ValueError( "Normalization should be either 'l2' or None; received '{}'".format( normalize ) ) # Get the model parameters from the generator or the keyword arguments if generator is not None: self._get_sizes_from_generator(generator) else: self.input_node_num = _require_without_generator(node_num, "node_num") self.input_feature_size = _require_without_generator(input_dim, "input_dim") self.multiplicity = _require_without_generator(multiplicity, "multiplicity") # Model parameters self.n_layers = len(layer_sizes) self.bias = bias # Feature dimensions for each layer self.dims = [self.input_feature_size] + layer_sizes # store the trainable layers self._layers = [ Dense(layer_size, activation=self.activation, use_bias=self.bias) for layer_size in layer_sizes ] if self.multiplicity == 1: self._output_embedding = None else: self._output_embedding = Embedding( self.input_node_num, layer_sizes[-1], input_length=1, name="output_embedding", ) def _get_sizes_from_generator(self, generator): """ Sets node_num and input_feature_size from the generator. Args: generator: The supplied generator. """ if not isinstance(generator, (Attri2VecNodeGenerator, Attri2VecLinkGenerator)): raise TypeError( "Generator should be an instance of Attri2VecNodeGenerator or Attri2VecLinkGenerator" ) self.multiplicity = generator.multiplicity self.input_node_num = generator.graph.number_of_nodes() feature_sizes = generator.graph.node_feature_sizes() if len(feature_sizes) > 1: raise RuntimeError( "Attri2Vec called on graph with more than one node type." ) self.input_feature_size = feature_sizes.popitem()[1] def __call__(self, xin): """ Construct node representations from node attributes through deep neural network Args: xin (Keras Tensor): Batch input features Returns: Output tensor """ # Form Attri2Vec layers iteratively h_layer = xin for layer in self._layers: h_layer = self._normalization(layer(h_layer)) return h_layer def _node_model(self): """ Builds a Attri2Vec model for node representation prediction. Returns: tuple: (x_inp, x_out) where ``x_inp`` is a Keras input tensor for the Attri2Vec model and ``x_out`` is the Keras tensor for the Attri2Vec model output. """ # Create tensor inputs x_inp = Input(shape=(self.input_feature_size,)) # Output from Attri2Vec model x_out = self(x_inp) return x_inp, x_out def _link_model(self): """ Builds a Attri2Vec model for context node prediction. Returns: tuple: (x_inp, x_out) where ``x_inp`` is a list of Keras input tensors for (src, dst) nodes in the node pairs and ``x_out`` is a list of output tensors for (src, dst) nodes in the node pairs """ # Expose input and output sockets of the model, for source node: x_inp_src, x_out_src = self._node_model() # Expose input and out sockets of the model, for target node: x_inp_dst = Input(shape=(1,)) assert isinstance(self._output_embedding, Embedding) x_out_dst = self._output_embedding(x_inp_dst) x_out_dst = Reshape((self.dims[self.n_layers],))(x_out_dst) x_inp = [x_inp_src, x_inp_dst] x_out = [x_out_src, x_out_dst] return x_inp, x_out
[docs] def in_out_tensors(self, multiplicity=None): """ Builds a Attri2Vec model for node or link/node pair prediction, depending on the generator used to construct the model (whether it is a node or link/node pair generator). Returns: tuple: (x_inp, x_out), where ``x_inp`` is a list of Keras input tensors for the specified Attri2Vec model (either node or link/node pair model) and ``x_out`` contains model output tensor(s) of shape (batch_size, layer_sizes[-1]) """ if multiplicity is None: multiplicity = self.multiplicity if multiplicity == 1: return self._node_model() elif multiplicity == 2: return self._link_model() else: raise RuntimeError( "Currently only multiplicities of 1 and 2 are supported. Consider using node_model or " "link_model method explicitly to build node or link prediction model, respectively." )
def default_model(self, flatten_output=True): warnings.warn( "The .default_model() method is deprecated. Please use .in_out_tensors() method instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.in_out_tensors() node_model = deprecated_model_function(_node_model, "node_model") link_model = deprecated_model_function(_link_model, "link_model") build = deprecated_model_function(in_out_tensors, "build")