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Loading data into StellarGraph from NetworkX

This demo explains how to load data from NetworkX into a form that can be used by the StellarGraph library. See all other demos.

The StellarGraph library supports loading graph information from NetworkX graphs. NetworkX is a library for working with graphs that provides many convenient I/O functions, graph algorithms and other tools. If your data is naturally a NetworkX graph, this is a great way to load it. If your data does not need to be a NetworkX graph, loading via Pandas is likely to be faster and potentially more convenient.

This notebook walks through loading several kinds of graphs.

  • homogeneous graph without features (a homogeneous graph is one with only one type of node and one type of edge)
  • homogeneous graph with features
  • homogeneous graph with edge weights
  • directed graphs (a graph is directed if edges have a “start” and “end” nodes, instead of just connecting two nodes)
  • heterogenous graphs (more than one node type and/or more than one edge type) with and without node features or edge weights, this includes knowledge graphs

StellarGraph supports loading data from many sources with all sorts of data pre-processing, via Pandas DataFrames, Neo4j and NetworkX graphs. This notebook demonstrates loading data from NetworkX. (Note: loading from Pandas is more efficient and more convenient for pre-processing, and is thus encouraged. See the “Loading data into StellarGraph from Pandas” demo for more details about this, and the “Loading and saving data between StellarGraph and Neo4j” demo for more details about loading data from a Neo4j database.)

The documentation for the StellarGraph.from_networkx static method includes a compressed reminder of everything discussed in this file, as well as explanations of all of the parameters.

The StellarGraph class is available at the top level of the stellargraph library:

from stellargraph import StellarGraph

Loading from many graph formats, via NetworkX

A NetworkX graph can be created in many ways, including manually via add_... methods (docs), and by reading from files in many formats (docs). In this tutorial, we’ll only use the first one.

import networkx as nx

Homogeneous graph without features

To start with, we’ll start with a homogeneous graph without any node features. This means the graph consists of only nodes and edges without any information other than a unique identifier.

Let’s use a graph representing a square with a diagonal:

a -- b
| \  |
|  \ |
d -- c
g = nx.Graph()
g.add_edge("a", "b")
g.add_edge("b", "c")
g.add_edge("c", "d")
g.add_edge("d", "a")
# diagonal
g.add_edge("a", "c")

The basic form of constructing a StellarGraph from a NetworkX graphs is… just passing in that graph!

square = StellarGraph.from_networkx(g)

The info method (docs) gives a high-level summary of a StellarGraph:

StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  default: [4]
    Features: none
    Edge types: default-default->default

 Edge types:
    default-default->default: [5]
        Weights: all 1 (default)

On this square, it tells us that there’s 4 nodes of type default (a homogeneous graph still has node and edge types, but they default to default), with no features, and one type of edge that touches it. It also tells us that there’s 5 edges of type default that go between nodes of type default. This matches what we expect: it’s a graph with 4 nodes and 5 edges and one type of each.

Similar to constructing via Pandas, the default node type and edge types can be set using the node_type_default and edge_type_default parameters to StellarGraph.from_networkx(...):

square_named = StellarGraph.from_networkx(
    g, node_type_default="paper", edge_type_default="cites"
StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  paper: [4]
    Features: none
    Edge types: paper-cites->paper

 Edge types:
    paper-cites->paper: [5]
        Weights: all 1 (default)

Homogeneous graph with features

For many real-world problems, we have more than just graph structure: we have information about the nodes and edges. For instance, we might have a graph of academic papers (nodes) and how they cite each other (edges): we might have information about the nodes such as the authors and the publication year, and even the abstract or full paper contents. If we’re doing a machine learning task, it can be useful to feed this information into models. The StellarGraph.from_networkx class supports this in two ways:

  1. loading from an attribute, which stores a numeric sequence
  2. using a Pandas DataFrame (this is the same as the StellarGraph(...) constructor from the “loading from Pandas” tutorial)

Let’s continue using the same graph.

1. Loading from an attribute

If the nodes of our graph comes or can be augmented with, a feature attribute that contains a numeric sequence (such as a list or a NumPy array), StellarGraph.from_networkx can load these to create node features.

The feature attributes can be assigned in many ways, such as via some_graph.nodes[node_id][feature_name] = ... or by iterating over the nodes. We’ll do the second one here:

g_feature_attr = g.copy()

def compute_features(node_id):
    # in general this could compute something based on other features, but for this example,
    # we don't have any other features, so we'll just do something basic with the node_id
    return [ord(node_id), len(node_id)]

for node_id, node_data in g_feature_attr.nodes(data=True):
    node_data["feature"] = compute_features(node_id)

# let's see what some of them look like:
g_feature_attr.nodes["a"], g_feature_attr.nodes["c"]
({'feature': [97, 1]}, {'feature': [99, 1]})

The node_features=... parameter let’s us tell from_networkx how to find the features. If it’s a string, it looks for an attribute by that name in each node of the graph.

square_feature_attr = StellarGraph.from_networkx(g_feature_attr, node_features="feature")
StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  default: [4]
    Features: float32 vector, length 2
    Edge types: default-default->default

 Edge types:
    default-default->default: [5]
        Weights: all 1 (default)

Notice how info now says that nodes of type default (all of them) have a feature vector of length 2. Success!

In a homogeneous graph like this, the features for every node need to have the same length.

2. Using a Pandas DataFrame

Another option is to have a Pandas DataFrame of features. This is often more efficient, if the data comes separately to the graph structure, or if significant preprocessing is required before creating the StellarGraph.

The structure of the dataframe is the same as the nodes DataFrame used for the main StellarGraph(...) constructor (docs), which is covered in more detail in the “loading from Pandas” tutorial. That tutorial includes examples of loading the DataFrame from a file. In this tutorial, we will just work with DataFrames that have already been loaded.

import pandas as pd

features = pd.DataFrame(
    {"x": [1, 2, 3, 4], "y": [-0.2, 0.3, 0.0, -0.5]}, index=["a", "b", "c", "d"]
x y
a 1 -0.2
b 2 0.3
c 3 0.0
d 4 -0.5

Notice how the IDs we used for the nodes in the NetworkX graph are the DataFrame’s index. The index is how the features are connected to each node, and the nodes in the graph and nodes in the DataFrame need to match exactly.

With a DataFrame in the appropriate format, we can pass this to the node_features=... parameter too.

square_feature_dataframe = StellarGraph.from_networkx(
    g_feature_attr, node_features=features
StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  default: [4]
    Features: float32 vector, length 2
    Edge types: default-default->default

 Edge types:
    default-default->default: [5]
        Weights: all 1 (default)

Like with the attribute, info now says that our nodes have a feature vector of length 2.

We can use Pandas to do all sorts of feature preprocessing, like the column filtering and one-hot encoding done in the other tutorial.

Homogeneous graph with edge weights

Some algorithms can understand edge weights, which can be used as a measure of the strength of the connection, or a measure of distance between nodes. A StellarGraph instance can have weighted edges, by specifying a weight attribute on the edges.

g_weighted = nx.Graph()
g_weighted.add_edge("a", "b", weight=1.0)
g_weighted.add_edge("b", "c", weight=2.0)
g_weighted.add_edge("c", "d", weight=3.0)
g_weighted.add_edge("d", "a", weight=4.0)
# diagonal
g_weighted.add_edge("a", "c", weight=5.0)

square_weighted = StellarGraph.from_networkx(g_weighted)
StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  default: [4]
    Features: none
    Edge types: default-default->default

 Edge types:
    default-default->default: [5]
        Weights: range=[1, 5], mean=3, std=1.58114

Notice the output of info now shows additional statistics about edge weights.

The name of the attribute can be customised using the edge_weight_attr parameter.

g_weighted_other = nx.Graph()
g_weighted_other.add_edge("a", "b", distance=1.0)
g_weighted_other.add_edge("b", "c", distance=2.0)
g_weighted_other.add_edge("c", "d", distance=3.0)
g_weighted_other.add_edge("d", "a", distance=4.0)
# diagonal
g_weighted_other.add_edge("a", "c", distance=5.0)

square_weighted_other = StellarGraph.from_networkx(
    g_weighted, edge_weight_attr="distance"
StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  default: [4]
    Features: none
    Edge types: default-default->default

 Edge types:
    default-default->default: [5]
        Weights: range=[1, 5], mean=3, std=1.58114

Directed graphs

Some graphs have edge directions, where going from source to target has a different meaning to going from target to source. NetworkX models this using the DiGraph and MultiDiGraph classes, and StellarGraph.from_networkx automatically creates a directed graph if they are passed.

All of the other options like node features and edge weights work the same as undirected graphs.

g_directed = nx.DiGraph()
g_directed.add_edge("a", "b")
g_directed.add_edge("b", "c")
g_directed.add_edge("c", "d")
g_directed.add_edge("d", "a")
# diagonal
g_directed.add_edge("a", "c")

square_directed = StellarGraph.from_networkx(g_directed)
StellarDiGraph: Directed multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  default: [4]
    Features: none
    Edge types: default-default->default

 Edge types:
    default-default->default: [5]
        Weights: all 1 (default)

Heterogeneous graphs

Some graphs have multiple types of nodes and multiple types of edges.

StellarGraph supports all forms of heterogeneous graphs, including knowledge graphs.

The types of nodes and edges in a heterogeneous graph created using StellarGraph.from_networkx are read from a label attribute by default.

Multiple node types

Suppose a is of type foo, and b, c and d are of type bar. We can set the label attribute on each node appropriate using the nx.set_node_attributes function (docs).

g_foo_bar = g.copy()
    g_foo_bar, {"a": "foo", "b": "bar", "c": "bar", "d": "bar"}, "label"

square_foo_bar = StellarGraph.from_networkx(g_foo_bar)
StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  bar: [3]
    Features: none
    Edge types: bar-default->bar, bar-default->foo
  foo: [1]
    Features: none
    Edge types: foo-default->bar

 Edge types:
    foo-default->bar: [3]
        Weights: all 1 (default)
    bar-default->bar: [2]
        Weights: all 1 (default)

If the label attribute doesn’t exist, the node_type_default value is used.

g_foo = g.copy()
# only 'a' has a label attribute
g_foo.nodes["a"]["label"] = "foo"

square_foo_bar_default = StellarGraph.from_networkx(g_foo, node_type_default="bar")
StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  bar: [3]
    Features: none
    Edge types: bar-default->bar, bar-default->foo
  foo: [1]
    Features: none
    Edge types: foo-default->bar

 Edge types:
    foo-default->bar: [3]
        Weights: all 1 (default)
    bar-default->bar: [2]
        Weights: all 1 (default)

The attribute used to compute the node or edge type can be customised via the node_type_attr parameter. For instance, we can use the type attribute instead of the label one:

g_foo_other = g.copy()
# only 'a' has a type attribute
g_foo_other.nodes["a"]["type"] = "foo"

square_foo_bar_other = StellarGraph.from_networkx(
    g_foo, node_type_default="bar", node_type_attr="type"
StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  bar: [4]
    Features: none
    Edge types: bar-default->bar

 Edge types:
    bar-default->bar: [5]
        Weights: all 1 (default)

If we have features for the nodes, the features can be stored in the nodes under a features attribute. The name of the attribute has to be the same for all types, but the shape or size of the attribute does not.

g_foo_bar_attr = g_foo_bar.copy()
    {"a": [], "b": [0.4, 100], "c": [0.1, 200], "d": [0.9, 300]},
square_foo_bar_features_attr = StellarGraph.from_networkx(
    g_foo_bar_attr, node_features="feature"
StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  bar: [3]
    Features: float32 vector, length 2
    Edge types: bar-default->bar, bar-default->foo
  foo: [1]
    Features: none
    Edge types: foo-default->bar

 Edge types:
    foo-default->bar: [3]
        Weights: all 1 (default)
    bar-default->bar: [2]
        Weights: all 1 (default)

Notice how the nodes of type foo (a) have no features, but the nodes of type bar (all others) have a vector of length 2.

Alternatively, we can use Pandas DataFrames, specifying the node_features=... parameter as a dictionary mapping a node type to a DataFrame of features for nodes of that type. The dictionary only needs to include node types that have features.

features_bar = pd.DataFrame(
    {"y": [0.4, 0.1, 0.9], "z": [100, 200, 300]}, index=["b", "c", "d"]
y z
b 0.4 100
c 0.1 200
d 0.9 300
square_foo_bar_features_dataframe = StellarGraph.from_networkx(
    g_foo_bar, node_features={"bar": features_bar}
StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  bar: [3]
    Features: float32 vector, length 2
    Edge types: bar-default->bar, bar-default->foo
  foo: [1]
    Features: none
    Edge types: foo-default->bar

 Edge types:
    foo-default->bar: [3]
        Weights: all 1 (default)
    bar-default->bar: [2]
        Weights: all 1 (default)

Multiple edge types

A heterogeneous graph with multiple edge types is supported in the same way, by looking for a label attribute (the name can be customised with the edge_type_attr=... parameter, like node_type_attr=...).

g_orientation = nx.Graph()
g_orientation.add_edge("a", "b", label="horizontal")
g_orientation.add_edge("b", "c", label="vertical")
g_orientation.add_edge("c", "d", label="horizontal")
g_orientation.add_edge("d", "a", label="vertical")
g_orientation.add_edge("a", "c", label="diagonal")
square_orientation = StellarGraph.from_networkx(g_orientation)
StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  default: [4]
    Features: none
    Edge types: default-diagonal->default, default-horizontal->default, default-vertical->default

 Edge types:
    default-vertical->default: [2]
        Weights: all 1 (default)
    default-horizontal->default: [2]
        Weights: all 1 (default)
    default-diagonal->default: [1]
        Weights: all 1 (default)

Multiple everything

A graph can have multiple node types and multiple edge types, with features or without and with edge weights or without. We can put everything together from the previous sections to make a single complicated StellarGraph.

g_everything = g_orientation.copy()
    g_everything, {"a": "foo", "b": "bar", "c": "bar", "d": "bar"}, "label"
stellar_everything = StellarGraph.from_networkx(
    g_everything, node_features={"bar": features_bar}
StellarGraph: Undirected multigraph
 Nodes: 4, Edges: 5

 Node types:
  bar: [3]
    Features: float32 vector, length 2
    Edge types: bar-diagonal->foo, bar-horizontal->bar, bar-horizontal->foo, bar-vertical->bar, bar-vertical->foo
  foo: [1]
    Features: none
    Edge types: foo-diagonal->bar, foo-horizontal->bar, foo-vertical->bar

 Edge types:
    foo-vertical->bar: [1]
        Weights: all 1 (default)
    foo-horizontal->bar: [1]
        Weights: all 1 (default)
    foo-diagonal->bar: [1]
        Weights: all 1 (default)
    bar-vertical->bar: [1]
        Weights: all 1 (default)
    bar-horizontal->bar: [1]
        Weights: all 1 (default)


You hopefully now know more about building a StellarGraph in various configurations via NetworkX.

Revisit this document to use as a reminder, or documentation for the StellarGraph.from_networkx static method.

Once you’ve loaded your data, you can start doing machine learning: a good place to start is the demo of the GCN algorithm on the Cora dataset for node classification. Additionally, StellarGraph includes many other demos of other algorithms, solving other tasks.

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