Source code for stellargraph.mapper.padded_graph_generator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 Data61, CSIRO
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from ..core.graph import StellarGraph
from ..core.utils import is_real_iterable
from .sequences import PaddedGraphSequence
import numpy as np
from .base import Generator

[docs]class PaddedGraphGenerator(Generator): """ A data generator for use with graph classification algorithms. The supplied graphs should be :class:`StellarGraph` objects with node features. Use the :meth:`flow` method supplying the graph indexes and (optionally) targets to get an object that can be used as a Keras data generator. This generator supplies the features arrays and the adjacency matrices to a mini-batch Keras graph classification model. Differences in the number of nodes are resolved by padding each batch of features and adjacency matrices, and supplying a boolean mask indicating which are valid and which are padding. Args: graphs (list): a collection of StellarGraph objects name (str): an optional name of the generator """ def __init__(self, graphs, name=None): self.node_features_size = None self._check_graphs(graphs) self.graphs = graphs = name def _check_graphs(self, graphs): for graph in graphs: if not isinstance(graph, StellarGraph): raise TypeError( f"graphs: expected every element to be a StellarGraph object, found {type(graph).__name__}." ) if graph.number_of_nodes() == 0: # an empty graph has no information at all and breaks things like mean pooling, so # let's disallow them raise ValueError( "graphs: expected every graph to be non-empty, found graph with no nodes" ) # Check that there is only a single node type for GAT or GCN node_type = graph.unique_node_type( "graphs: expected only graphs with a single node type, found a graph with node types: %(found)s" ) graph.check_graph_for_ml() # we require that all graphs have node features of the same dimensionality f_dim = graph.node_feature_sizes()[node_type] if self.node_features_size is None: self.node_features_size = f_dim elif self.node_features_size != f_dim: raise ValueError( "graphs: expected node features for all graph to have same dimensions," f"found {self.node_features_size} vs {f_dim}" )
[docs] def num_batch_dims(self): return 1
[docs] def flow( self, graphs, targets=None, symmetric_normalization=True, batch_size=1, name=None, shuffle=False, seed=None, ): """ Creates a generator/sequence object for training, evaluation, or prediction with the supplied graph indexes and targets. Args: graphs (iterable): an iterable of graph indexes in self.graphs or an iterable of `StellarGraph`s for the graphs of interest (e.g., training, validation, or test set nodes). targets (2d array, optional): a 2D array of numeric graph targets with shape ``(len(graphs), len(targets))``. symmetric_normalization (bool, optional): The type of normalization to be applied on the graph adjacency matrices. If True, the adjacency matrix is left and right multiplied by the inverse square root of the degree matrix; otherwise, the adjacency matrix is only left multiplied by the inverse of the degree matrix. batch_size (int, optional): The batch size. name (str, optional): An optional name for the returned generator object. shuffle (bool, optional): If True the node IDs will be shuffled at the end of each epoch. seed (int, optional): Random seed to use in the sequence object. Returns: A :class:`PaddedGraphSequence` object to use with Keras methods :meth:`fit`, :meth:`evaluate`, and :meth:`predict` """ if targets is not None: # Check targets is an iterable if not is_real_iterable(targets): raise TypeError( f"targets: expected an iterable or None object, found {type(targets).__name__}" ) # Check targets correct shape if len(targets) != len(graphs): raise ValueError( f"expected targets to be the same length as node_ids, found {len(targets)} vs {len(graphs)}" ) if not isinstance(batch_size, int): raise TypeError( f"expected batch_size to be integer type, found {type(batch_size).__name__}" ) if batch_size <= 0: raise ValueError( f"expected batch_size to be strictly positive integer, found {batch_size}" ) if isinstance(graphs[0], StellarGraph): self._check_graphs(graphs) else: graphs = [self.graphs[i] for i in graphs] return PaddedGraphSequence( graphs=graphs, targets=targets, symmetric_normalization=symmetric_normalization, batch_size=batch_size, name=name, shuffle=shuffle, seed=seed, )