Source code for stellargraph.mapper.knowledge_graph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 Data61, CSIRO
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import threading

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from tensorflow.keras.utils import Sequence

from ..globalvar import SOURCE, TARGET, TYPE_ATTR_NAME
from ..random import random_state, SeededPerBatch
from .base import Generator

[docs]class KGTripleGenerator(Generator): """ A data generator for working with triple-based knowledge graph models, like ComplEx. This requires a StellarGraph that contains all nodes/entities and every edge/relation type that will be trained or predicted upon. The graph does not need to contain the edges/triples that are used for training or prediction. Args: G (StellarGraph): the graph containing all nodes, and all edge types. batch_size (int): the size of the batches to generate """ def __init__(self, G, batch_size): self.G = G if not isinstance(batch_size, int): raise TypeError( f"batch_size: expected int, found {type(batch_size).__name__}" ) self.batch_size = batch_size
[docs] def num_batch_dims(self): return 1
[docs] def flow(self, edges, negative_samples=None, shuffle=False, seed=None): """ Create a Keras Sequence yielding the edges/triples in ``edges``, potentially with some negative edges. The negative edges are sampled using the "local closed world assumption", where a source/subject or a target/object is randomly mutated. Args: edges: the edges/triples to feed into a knowledge graph model. negative_samples (int, optional): the number of negative samples to generate for each positive edge. Returns: A Keras sequence that can be passed to the ``fit`` and ``predict`` method of knowledge-graph models. """ if isinstance(edges, pd.DataFrame): sources = edges[SOURCE] rels = edges[TYPE_ATTR_NAME] targets = edges[TARGET] else: raise TypeError( f"edges: expected pandas.DataFrame; found {type(edges).__name__}" ) if negative_samples is not None: if not isinstance(negative_samples, int): raise TypeError( f"negative_samples: expected int or None, found {type(negative_samples).__name__}" ) if negative_samples < 0: raise ValueError( f"negative_samples: expected non-negative integer, found {negative_samples}" ) source_ilocs = self.G.node_ids_to_ilocs(sources) # FIXME(#870): this would be best expressed without poking into the _edges proprety of G rel_ilocs = self.G._edges.types.to_iloc(rels, strict=True) target_ilocs = self.G.node_ids_to_ilocs(targets) return KGTripleSequence( max_node_iloc=self.G.number_of_nodes(), source_ilocs=source_ilocs, rel_ilocs=rel_ilocs, target_ilocs=target_ilocs, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, negative_samples=negative_samples, seed=seed, )
class KGTripleSequence(Sequence): def __init__( self, *, max_node_iloc, source_ilocs, rel_ilocs, target_ilocs, batch_size, shuffle, negative_samples, seed, ): self.max_node_iloc = max_node_iloc num_edges = len(source_ilocs) self.indices = np.arange(num_edges, dtype=np.min_scalar_type(num_edges)) self.source_ilocs = np.asarray(source_ilocs) self.rel_ilocs = np.asarray(rel_ilocs) self.target_ilocs = np.asarray(target_ilocs) self.negative_samples = negative_samples self.batch_size = batch_size self.seed = seed self.shuffle = shuffle _, self._global_rs = random_state(seed) self._batch_sampler = SeededPerBatch( np.random.RandomState, self._global_rs.randint(2 ** 32) ) def __len__(self): return int(np.ceil(len(self.indices) / self.batch_size)) def __getitem__(self, batch_num): start = self.batch_size * batch_num end = start + self.batch_size indices = self.indices[start:end] s_iloc = self.source_ilocs[indices] r_iloc = self.rel_ilocs[indices] o_iloc = self.target_ilocs[indices] positive_count = len(s_iloc) targets = None if self.negative_samples is not None: s_iloc = np.tile(s_iloc, 1 + self.negative_samples) r_iloc = np.tile(r_iloc, 1 + self.negative_samples) o_iloc = np.tile(o_iloc, 1 + self.negative_samples) negative_count = self.negative_samples * positive_count assert len(s_iloc) == positive_count + negative_count rng = self._batch_sampler[batch_num] # FIXME (#882): this sampling may be able to be optimised to a slice-write change_source = rng.random(size=negative_count) < 0.5 source_changes = change_source.sum() new_nodes = rng.randint(self.max_node_iloc, size=negative_count) s_iloc[positive_count:][change_source] = new_nodes[:source_changes] o_iloc[positive_count:][~change_source] = new_nodes[source_changes:] targets = np.repeat( np.array([1, 0], dtype=np.float32), [positive_count, negative_count] ) assert len(targets) == len(s_iloc) assert len(s_iloc) == len(r_iloc) == len(o_iloc) if targets is None: return ((s_iloc, r_iloc, o_iloc),) return (s_iloc, r_iloc, o_iloc), targets def on_epoch_end(self): if self.shuffle: self._global_rs.shuffle(self.indices)