Source code for stellargraph.layer.hinsage

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Heterogeneous GraphSAGE and compatible aggregator layers

__all__ = ["HinSAGE", "MeanHinAggregator"]

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K, Input
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Lambda, Dropout, Reshape
from tensorflow.keras.utils import Sequence
from tensorflow.keras import activations, initializers, regularizers, constraints
from typing import List, Callable, Tuple, Dict, Union, AnyStr
import itertools as it
import operator as op
import warnings

[docs]class MeanHinAggregator(Layer): """Mean Aggregator for HinSAGE implemented with Keras base layer Args: output_dim (int): Output dimension bias (bool): Use bias in layer or not (Default False) act (Callable or str): name of the activation function to use (must be a Keras activation function), or alternatively, a TensorFlow operation. kernel_initializer (str or func): The initialiser to use for the weights; defaults to 'glorot_uniform'. kernel_regularizer (str or func): The regulariser to use for the weights; defaults to None. kernel_constraint (str or func): The constraint to use for the weights; defaults to None. bias_initializer (str or func): The initialiser to use for the bias; defaults to 'zeros'. bias_regularizer (str or func): The regulariser to use for the bias; defaults to None. bias_constraint (str or func): The constraint to use for the bias; defaults to None. """ def __init__( self, output_dim: int = 0, bias: bool = False, act: Union[Callable, AnyStr] = "relu", **kwargs ): self.output_dim = output_dim assert output_dim % 2 == 0 self.half_output_dim = int(output_dim / 2) self.has_bias = bias self.act = activations.get(act) = None self.w_neigh = [] self.w_self = None self.bias = None self._get_regularisers_from_keywords(kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) def _get_regularisers_from_keywords(self, kwargs): self.kernel_initializer = initializers.get( kwargs.pop("kernel_initializer", "glorot_uniform") ) self.kernel_regularizer = regularizers.get( kwargs.pop("kernel_regularizer", None) ) self.kernel_constraint = constraints.get(kwargs.pop("kernel_constraint", None)) self.bias_initializer = initializers.get( kwargs.pop("bias_initializer", "zeros") ) self.bias_regularizer = regularizers.get(kwargs.pop("bias_regularizer", None)) self.bias_constraint = constraints.get(kwargs.pop("bias_constraint", None))
[docs] def get_config(self): """ Gets class configuration for Keras serialization """ config = { "output_dim": self.output_dim, "bias": self.has_bias, "act": activations.serialize(self.act), "kernel_initializer": initializers.serialize(self.kernel_initializer), "kernel_regularizer": regularizers.serialize(self.kernel_regularizer), "kernel_constraint": constraints.serialize(self.kernel_constraint), "bias_initializer": initializers.serialize(self.bias_initializer), "bias_regularizer": regularizers.serialize(self.bias_regularizer), "bias_constraint": constraints.serialize(self.bias_constraint), } base_config = super().get_config() return {**base_config, **config}
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): """ Builds layer Args: input_shape (list of list of int): Shape of input per neighbour type. """ # Weight matrix for each type of neighbour # If there are no neighbours (input_shape[x][2]) for an input # then do not create weights as they are not used. = len(input_shape) - 1 self.w_neigh = [ self.add_weight( name="w_neigh_" + str(r), shape=(int(input_shape[1 + r][3]), self.half_output_dim), initializer=self.kernel_initializer, regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, constraint=self.kernel_constraint, trainable=True, ) if input_shape[1 + r][2] > 0 else None for r in range( ] # Weight matrix for self self.w_self = self.add_weight( name="w_self", shape=(int(input_shape[0][2]), self.half_output_dim), initializer=self.kernel_initializer, regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, constraint=self.kernel_constraint, trainable=True, ) # Optional bias if self.has_bias: self.bias = self.add_weight( name="bias", shape=[self.output_dim], initializer=self.bias_initializer, regularizer=self.bias_regularizer, constraint=self.bias_constraint, trainable=True, ) super().build(input_shape)
[docs] def call(self, x, **kwargs): """ Apply MeanAggregation on input tensors, x Args: x: List of Keras Tensors with the following elements - x[0]: tensor of self features shape (n_batch, n_head, n_feat) - x[1+r]: tensors of neighbour features each of shape (n_batch, n_head, n_neighbour[r], n_feat[r]) Returns: Keras Tensor representing the aggregated embeddings in the input. """ # Calculate the mean vectors over the neigbours of each relation (edge) type neigh_agg_by_relation = [] for r in range( # The neighbour input tensors for relation r z = x[1 + r] # If there are neighbours aggregate over them if z.shape[2] > 0: z_agg =, axis=2), self.w_neigh[r]) # Otherwise add a synthetic zero vector else: z_shape = K.shape(z) w_shape = self.half_output_dim z_agg = tf.zeros((z_shape[0], z_shape[1], w_shape)) neigh_agg_by_relation.append(z_agg) # Calculate the self vector shape (n_batch, n_head, n_out_self) from_self =[0], self.w_self) # Sum the contributions from all neighbour averages shape (n_batch, n_head, n_out_neigh) from_neigh = sum(neigh_agg_by_relation) / # Concatenate self + neighbour features, shape (n_batch, n_head, n_out) total = K.concatenate( [from_self, from_neigh], axis=2 ) # YT: this corresponds to concat=Partial # TODO: implement concat=Full and concat=False return self.act((total + self.bias) if self.has_bias else total)
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): """ Computes the output shape of the layer. Assumes that the layer will be built to match that input shape provided. Args: input_shape (tuple of ints) Shape tuples can include `None` for free dimensions, instead of an integer. Returns: An input shape tuple. """ return input_shape[0][0], input_shape[0][1], self.output_dim
[docs]class HinSAGE: """ Implementation of the GraphSAGE algorithm extended for heterogeneous graphs with Keras layers. Args: layer_sizes (list): Hidden feature dimensions for each layer generator (Sequence): A NodeSequence or LinkSequence. If specified, n_samples, input_neighbour_tree and input_dim will be taken from this object. n_samples: (Optional: needs to be specified if no mapper is provided.) The number of samples per layer in the model. input_neighbor_tree: A list of (node_type, [children]) tuples that specify the subtree to be created by the HinSAGE model. input_dim: The input dimensions for each node type as a dictionary of the form {node_type: feature_size}. aggregator: The HinSAGE aggregator to use; defaults to the `MeanHinAggregator`. bias (bool): If True (default), a bias vector is learnt for each layer. dropout: The dropout supplied to each layer; defaults to no dropout. normalize: The normalization used after each layer; defaults to L2 normalization. activations (list): Activations applied to each layer's output; defaults to ['relu', ..., 'relu', 'linear']. kernel_regularizer (str or func): The regulariser to use for the weights of each layer; defaults to None. """ def __init__( self, layer_sizes, generator=None, n_samples=None, input_neighbor_tree=None, input_dim=None, aggregator=None, bias=True, dropout=0.0, normalize="l2", activations=None, **kwargs ): def eval_neigh_tree_per_layer(input_tree): """ Function to evaluate the neighbourhood tree structure for every layer. The tree structure at each layer is a truncated version of the previous layer. Args: input_tree: Neighbourhood tree for the input batch Returns: List of neighbourhood trees """ reduced = [ li for li in input_tree if all(li_neigh < len(input_tree) for li_neigh in li[1]) ] return ( [input_tree] if len(reduced) == 0 else [input_tree] + eval_neigh_tree_per_layer(reduced) ) # Set the aggregator layer used in the model if aggregator is None: self._aggregator = MeanHinAggregator elif issubclass(aggregator, Layer): self._aggregator = aggregator else: raise TypeError("Aggregator should be a subclass of Keras Layer") # Set the normalization layer used in the model if normalize == "l2": self._normalization = Lambda(lambda x: K.l2_normalize(x, axis=-1)) elif normalize is None or normalize == "none" or normalize == "None": self._normalization = Lambda(lambda x: x) else: raise ValueError( "Normalization should be either 'l2' or 'none'; received '{}'".format( normalize ) ) # Get the sampling tree, input_dim, and num_samples from the generator if it is given # Use both the schema and head node type from the generator # TODO: Refactor the horror of generator.generator.graph... if generator is not None: self.n_samples = generator.generator.num_samples self.subtree_schema = generator.generator.schema.type_adjacency_list( generator.head_node_types, len(self.n_samples) ) self.input_dims = generator.generator.graph.node_feature_sizes() elif ( input_neighbor_tree is not None and n_samples is not None and input_dim is not None ): self.subtree_schema = input_neighbor_tree self.n_samples = n_samples self.input_dims = input_dim else: raise RuntimeError( "If generator is not provided, input_neighbour_tree, n_samples," " and input_dim must be specified." ) # Set parameters for the model self.n_layers = len(self.n_samples) self.bias = bias self.dropout = dropout # Neighbourhood info per layer self.neigh_trees = eval_neigh_tree_per_layer( [li for li in self.subtree_schema if len(li[1]) > 0] ) # Depth of each input tensor i.e. number of hops from root nodes self._depths = [ self.n_layers + 1 - sum([1 for li in [self.subtree_schema] + self.neigh_trees if i < len(li)]) for i in range(len(self.subtree_schema)) ] # Dict of {node type: dimension} per layer self.dims = [ dim if isinstance(dim, dict) else {k: dim for k, _ in ([self.subtree_schema] + self.neigh_trees)[layer]} for layer, dim in enumerate([self.input_dims] + layer_sizes) ] # Activation function for each layer if activations is None: activations = ["relu"] * (self.n_layers - 1) + ["linear"] elif len(activations) != self.n_layers: raise ValueError( "Invalid number of activations; require one function per layer" ) self.activations = activations # Optional regulariser, etc. for weights and biases self._get_regularisers_from_keywords(kwargs) # Aggregator functions for each layer self._build_aggregators() def _get_regularisers_from_keywords(self, kwargs): regularisers = {} for param_name in [ "kernel_initializer", "kernel_regularizer", "kernel_constraint", "bias_initializer", "bias_regularizer", "bias_constraint", ]: param_value = kwargs.pop(param_name, None) if param_value is not None: regularisers[param_name] = param_value self._regularisers = regularisers def _build_aggregators(self): # Dict of {node type: aggregator} per layer self._aggs = [ { node_type: self._aggregator( output_dim, bias=self.bias, act=self.activations[layer], **self._regularisers ) for node_type, output_dim in self.dims[layer + 1].items() } for layer in range(self.n_layers) ] def __call__(self, xin: List): """ Apply aggregator layers Args: x (list of Tensor): Batch input features Returns: Output tensor """ def apply_layer(x: List, layer: int): """ Compute the list of output tensors for a single HinSAGE layer Args: x (List[Tensor]): Inputs to the layer layer (int): Layer index Returns: Outputs of applying the aggregators as a list of Tensors """ layer_out = [] for i, (node_type, neigh_indices) in enumerate(self.neigh_trees[layer]): # The shape of the head node is used for reshaping the neighbour inputs head_shape = K.int_shape(x[i])[1] # Aplly dropout and reshape neighbours per node per layer neigh_list = [ Dropout(self.dropout)( Reshape( ( head_shape, self.n_samples[self._depths[i]], self.dims[layer][self.subtree_schema[neigh_index][0]], ) )(x[neigh_index]) ) for neigh_index in neigh_indices ] # Apply dropout to head inputs x_head = Dropout(self.dropout)(x[i]) # Apply aggregator to head node and reshaped neighbour nodes layer_out.append(self._aggs[layer][node_type]([x_head] + neigh_list)) return layer_out # Form HinSAGE layers iteratively self.layer_tensors = [] h_layer = xin for layer in range(0, self.n_layers): h_layer = apply_layer(h_layer, layer) self.layer_tensors.append(h_layer) # Remove neighbourhood dimension from output tensors # note that at this point h_layer contains the output tensor of the top (last applied) layer of the stack h_layer = [ Reshape(K.int_shape(x)[2:])(x) for x in h_layer if K.int_shape(x)[1] == 1 ] # Return final layer output tensor with optional normalization return ( self._normalization(h_layer[0]) if len(h_layer) == 1 else [self._normalization(xi) for xi in h_layer] ) def _input_shapes(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """ Returns the input shapes for the tensors of the supplied neighbourhood type tree Returns: A list of tuples giving the shape (number of nodes, feature size) for the corresponding item in the neighbourhood type tree (self.subtree_schema) """ neighbor_sizes = list(it.accumulate([1] + self.n_samples, op.mul)) def get_shape(stree, cnode, level=0): adj = stree[cnode][1] size_dict = { cnode: (neighbor_sizes[level], self.input_dims[stree[cnode][0]]) } if len(adj) > 0: size_dict.update( { k: s for a in adj for k, s in get_shape(stree, a, level + 1).items() } ) return size_dict input_shapes = dict() for ii in range(len(self.subtree_schema)): input_shapes_ii = get_shape(self.subtree_schema, ii) # Update input_shapes if input_shapes_ii.keys() are not already in input_shapes.keys(): if ( len(set(input_shapes_ii.keys()).intersection(set(input_shapes.keys()))) == 0 ): input_shapes.update(input_shapes_ii) return [input_shapes[ii] for ii in range(len(self.subtree_schema))]
[docs] def build(self): """ Builds a HinSAGE model for node or link/node pair prediction, depending on the generator used to construct the model (whether it is a node or link/node pair generator). Returns: tuple: (x_inp, x_out), where ``x_inp`` is a list of Keras input tensors for the specified HinSAGE model (either node or link/node pair model) and ``x_out`` contains model output tensor(s) of shape (batch_size, layer_sizes[-1]). """ # Create tensor inputs x_inp = [Input(shape=s) for s in self._input_shapes()] # Output from HinSAGE model x_out = self(x_inp) return x_inp, x_out
def default_model(self, flatten_output=True): warnings.warn( "The .default_model() method will be deprecated in future versions. " "Please use .build() method instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return