Source code for stellargraph.core.graph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-2018 Data61, CSIRO
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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The StellarGraph class that encapsulates information required for
a machine-learning ready graph used by models.

__all__ = ["StellarGraph", "StellarDiGraph", "StellarGraphBase"]

from stellargraph.core.schema import EdgeType

import random
import itertools as it

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from networkx.classes.multigraph import MultiGraph
from networkx.classes.multidigraph import MultiDiGraph

from collections import Iterable, Iterator

from .. import globalvar
from .schema import GraphSchema
from .utils import is_real_iterable

def _convert_from_node_attribute(
    G, attr_name, node_types, node_type_name=None, node_type_default=None, dtype="f"
    Transform the node attributes to feature vectors, for use with machine learning models.

    Each node is assumed to have a numeric array stored in the attribute_name and
    which is suitable for use in machine learning models.

        G: NetworkX graph
        attr_name: Name of node attribute to use for conversion
        node_types: Node types in graph
        node_type_name: (optional) The name of the node attribute specifying the type.
        node_type_default: (optional) The node type of nodes without explicit type.
        dtype: (optional) The numpy datatype to create the features array.

        index_map: a dictionary of node_type -> {node_id: node_index}
        attribute_arrays: a dictionary of node_type -> numpy array storing the features
    attribute_arrays = {}
    node_index_map = {}

    # Enumerate all nodes in graph
    nodes_by_type = {
        # XXX: This lookup does not really make sense if node_type_name is not specified - why is it optional?
        nt: [
            for n, ndata in G.nodes(data=True)
            if ndata.get(node_type_name, node_type_default) == nt
        for nt in node_types

    # Get the target values for each node type
    for nt in node_types:
        nt_node_list = nodes_by_type[nt]

        # Add None to node list as ID of unknown nodes

        # Create map between node id and index (including None)
        node_index_map[nt] = {nid: ii for ii, nid in enumerate(nt_node_list)}

        # The node data
        attr_data = [v if v is None else G.node[v].get(attr_name) for v in nt_node_list]

        # Get the size of the features
        data_sizes = {
            np.size(G.node[v].get(attr_name, [])) for v in nt_node_list if v is not None

        # Warn if nodes don't have the attribute
        if 0 in data_sizes:
                "Warning: Some nodes have no value for attribute '{}', "
                "using default value.".format(attr_name)

        # Check all are the same for this node type
        if len(data_sizes) > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Data sizes in nodes of type {} are inconsistent "
                "for the attribute '{}' ".format(nt, attr_name)

        # If some node_type have no nodes with the attribute, skip them
        if len(data_sizes) == 0:

        # Create zero attribute array
        data_size = data_sizes.pop()

        # Dummy feature/target value for invalid nodes,
        # this will be inserted into the array in two cases:
        # 1. node ID of None (representing sampling for a missing neighbour)
        # 2. node with no attribute
        # TODO: Make these two cases more explicit, allow custom values.
        default_value = np.zeros(data_size)

        # Convert to numpy array
        attribute_arrays[nt] = np.asarray(
            [x if x is not None else default_value for x in attr_data]

    return node_index_map, attribute_arrays

def _convert_from_node_data(data, node_type_map, node_types, dtype="f"):
    Store the node data as feature vectors, for use with machine learning models.

    For a single node type, the data can be either:
     * a Pandas DataFrame with the index being node IDs and the columns the numeric
        feature values. Note that the features must be numeric.
     * a list or iterable of `(node_id, node_feature)` pairs where node_feature is
        a value, a list of values, or a numpy array representing the numeric feature

    For multiple node types, the data can be either:
     * a dictionary of node_type -> DataFrame with the index of each DataFrame
        being node IDs and the columns the numeric feature values.
        Note that the features must be numeric and can be different sizes for each
        node type.
     * a list or iterable of `(node_id, node_feature)` pairs where node_feature is
        a value, a list of values, or a numpy array representing the numeric feature

        data: dict, list or DataFrame
            The data for the nodes, partitioned by node type

        node_type_map: dict
            Mapping of node_id to node_type

        node_types: list
            List of the node types in the data

        dtype: Numpy datatype optional (default='float32')
            The numpy datatype to create the features array.

        index_map: a dictionary of node_type -> {node_id: node_index}
        attribute_arrays: a dictionary of node_type -> numpy array storing the features
    # if data is a dict of pandas dataframes or iterators, pull the features for each node type in the dictionary
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        # The keys should match the node types
        if not all(k in node_types for k in data.keys()):
            raise ValueError(
                "All node types in supplied feature dict should be in the graph"

        data_arrays = {}
        data_index = {}
        for nt, arr in data.items():
            if isinstance(arr, pd.DataFrame):
                node_index_map = {nid: nii for nii, nid in enumerate(arr.index)}
                    data_arr = arr.values.astype(dtype)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Node data passed as Pandas arrays should contain only numeric values"

            elif isinstance(arr, (Iterable, list)):
                data_arr = []
                node_index_map = {}
                for ii, (node_id, datum) in enumerate(arr):
                    node_index_map[node_id] = ii
                data_arr = np.vstack(data_arr)

                raise TypeError(
                    "Node data should be a pandas array, an iterable, a list, or name of a node_attribute"

            # Add default value to end of feature array
            default_value = np.zeros(data_arr.shape[1])
            data_arrays[nt] = np.vstack([data_arr, default_value])

            node_index_map[None] = data_arr.shape[0]
            data_index[nt] = node_index_map

    # If data is a pd.Dataframe, try pulling out the type
    elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
        if len(node_types) > 1:
            raise TypeError(
                "When there is more than one node type, pass node features as a dictionary."
        node_type = next(iter(node_types))
        data_index, data_arrays = _convert_from_node_data(
            {node_type: data}, node_type_map, node_types, dtype

    # If data an iterator try recreating the nodes by type
    elif isinstance(data, (Iterator, list)):
        node_data_by_type = {nt: [] for nt in node_types}
        for d in data:
            node_type = node_type_map.get(d[0])
            if node_type is None:
                raise TypeError("Node type not found in importing feature vectors!")


        data_index, data_arrays = _convert_from_node_data(
            node_data_by_type, node_type_map, node_types, dtype

        raise TypeError(
            "Node data should be a dictionary, a pandas array, an iterable, or a tuple."

    return data_index, data_arrays

[docs]class StellarGraphBase: """ StellarGraph class for undirected graph ML models. It stores both graph information from a NetworkX Graph object as well as features for machine learning. To create a StellarGraph object ready for machine learning, at a minimum pass the graph structure to the StellarGraph as a NetworkX graph: For undirected models:: Gs = StellarGraph(nx_graph) For directed models:: Gs = StellarDiGraph(nx_graph) To create a StellarGraph object with node features, supply the features as a numeric feature vector for each node. To take the feature vectors from a node attribute in the original NetworkX graph, supply the attribute name to the ``node_features`` argument:: Gs = StellarGraph(nx_graph, node_features="feature") where the nx_graph contains nodes that have a "feature" attribute containing the feature vector for the node. All nodes of the same type must have the same size feature vectors. Alternatively, supply the node features as Pandas DataFrame objects with the of the DataFrame set to the node IDs. For graphs with a single node type, you can supply the DataFrame object directly to StellarGraph:: node_data = pd.DataFrame( [feature_vector_1, feature_vector_2, ..], index=[node_id_1, node_id_2, ...]) Gs = StellarGraph(nx_graph, node_features=node_data) For graphs with multiple node types, provide the node features as Pandas DataFrames for each type separately, as a dictionary by node type. This allows node features to have different sizes for each node type:: node_data = { node_type_1: pd.DataFrame(...), node_type_2: pd.DataFrame(...), } Gs = StellarGraph(nx_graph, node_features=node_data) You can also supply the node feature vectors as an iterator of `node_id` and feature vector pairs, for graphs with single and multiple node types:: node_data = zip([node_id_1, node_id_2, ...], [feature_vector_1, feature_vector_2, ..]) Gs = StellarGraph(nx_graph, node_features=node_data) Args: node_type_name: str, optional (default=globals.TYPE_ATTR_NAME) This is the name for the node types that StellarGraph uses when processing heterogeneous graphs. StellarGraph will look for this attribute in the nodes of the graph to determine their type. node_type_default: str, optional (default=globals.NODE_TYPE_DEFAULT) This is the default node type to use for nodes that do not have an explicit type. edge_type_name: str, optional (default=globals.TYPE_ATTR_NAME) This is the name for the edge types that StellarGraph uses when processing heterogeneous graphs. StellarGraph will look for this attribute in the edges of the graph to determine their type. edge_type_default: str, optional (default=globals.EDGE_TYPE_DEFAULT) This is the default edge type to use for edges that do not have an explicit type. node_features: str, dict, list or DataFrame optional (default=None) This tells StellarGraph where to find the node feature information required by some graph models. These are expected to be a numeric feature vector for each node in the graph. """ def __init__(self, incoming_graph_data=None, **attr): # TODO: add doc string super().__init__(incoming_graph_data, **attr) # Names of attributes that store the type of nodes and edges self._node_type_attr = attr.get("node_type_name", globalvar.TYPE_ATTR_NAME) self._edge_type_attr = attr.get("edge_type_name", globalvar.TYPE_ATTR_NAME) # Default types of nodes and edges self._node_type_default = attr.get( "node_type_default", globalvar.NODE_TYPE_DEFAULT ) self._edge_type_default = attr.get( "edge_type_default", globalvar.EDGE_TYPE_DEFAULT ) # Names for the feature/target type (used if they are supplied and # feature/target spec not supplied" self._feature_attr = attr.get("feature_name", globalvar.FEATURE_ATTR_NAME) self._target_attr = attr.get("target_name", globalvar.TARGET_ATTR_NAME) # Ensure that the incoming graph data has node & edge types # TODO: This requires traversing all nodes and edges. Is there another way? node_types = set() type_for_node = {} for n, ndata in self.nodes(data=True): type_for_node[n] = self._get_node_type(ndata) node_types.add(type_for_node[n]) edge_types = set() for n1, n2, k, edata in self.edges(keys=True, data=True): edge_types.add(self._get_edge_type(edata)) # New style: we are passed numpy arrays or pandas arrays of the feature vectors node_features = attr.get("node_features", None) dtype = attr.get("dtype", "float32") # If node_features is a string, load features from this attribute of the nodes in the graph if isinstance(node_features, str): data_index_maps, data_arrays = _convert_from_node_attribute( self, node_features, node_types, self._node_type_attr, self._node_type_default, dtype, ) # Otherwise try importing node_features as a Numpy array or Pandas Dataframe elif node_features is not None: data_index_maps, data_arrays = _convert_from_node_data( node_features, type_for_node, node_types, dtype ) else: data_index_maps = {} data_arrays = {} # TODO: What other convenience attributes do we need? self._nodes_by_type = None # This stores the feature vectors per node type as numpy arrays self._node_attribute_arrays = data_arrays # This stores the map between node ID and index in the attribute arrays self._node_index_maps = data_index_maps def __repr__(self): directed_str = "Directed" if self.is_directed() else "Undirected" s = "{}: {} multigraph\n".format(type(self).__name__, directed_str) s += " Nodes: {}, Edges: {}\n".format( self.number_of_nodes(), self.number_of_edges() ) return s def _get_node_type(self, node_data): node_type = node_data.get(self._node_type_attr) if node_type is None: node_type = self._node_type_default node_data[self._node_type_attr] = node_type return node_type def _get_edge_type(self, edge_data): edge_type = edge_data.get(self._edge_type_attr) if edge_type is None: edge_type = self._edge_type_default edge_data[self._edge_type_attr] = edge_type return edge_type
[docs] def check_graph_for_ml(self, features=True): """ Checks if all properties required for machine learning training/inference are set up. An error will be raised if the graph is not correctly setup. """ # TODO: This are simple tests and miss many problems that could arise, improve! # Check features on the nodes: if features and len(self._node_attribute_arrays) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "This StellarGraph has no numeric feature attributes for nodes" "Node features are required for machine learning" )
# TODO: check the schema # TODO: check the feature node_ids against the graph node ids?
[docs] def get_index_for_nodes(self, nodes, node_type=None): """ Get the indices for the specified node or nodes. If the node type is not specified the node types will be found for all nodes. It is therefore important to supply the ``node_type`` for this method to be fast. Args: n: (list or hashable) Node ID or list of node IDs node_type: (hashable) the type of the nodes. Returns: Numpy array containing the indices for the requested nodes. """ if not is_real_iterable(nodes): nodes = [nodes] # Get the node type if not specified. if node_type is None: node_types = { self._get_node_type(self.node[n]) for n in nodes if n is not None } if len(node_types) > 1: raise ValueError("All nodes must be of the same type.") if len(node_types) == 0: raise ValueError( "At least one node must be given if node_type not specified" ) node_type = node_types.pop() # Get index for nodes of this type nt_id_to_index = self._node_index_maps[node_type] node_indices = [nt_id_to_index.get(n) for n in nodes] return node_indices
[docs] def get_feature_for_nodes(self, nodes, node_type=None): """ Get the numeric feature vectors for the specified node or nodes. If the node type is not specified the node types will be found for all nodes. It is therefore important to supply the ``node_type`` for this method to be fast. Args: n: (list or hashable) Node ID or list of node IDs node_type: (hashable) the type of the nodes. Returns: Numpy array containing the node features for the requested nodes. """ # TODO: change method's name to node_features(), and add @property decorator if not is_real_iterable(nodes): nodes = [nodes] # Get the node type if not specified. if node_type is None: node_types = { self._get_node_type(self.node[n]) for n in nodes if n is not None } if len(node_types) > 1: raise ValueError("All nodes must be of the same type.") if len(node_types) == 0: raise ValueError( "At least one node must be given if node_type not specified" ) node_type = node_types.pop() # Check node_types if ( node_type not in self._node_attribute_arrays or node_type not in self._node_index_maps ): raise ValueError("Features not found for node type '{}'") # Edge case: if we are given no nodes, what do we do? if len(nodes) == 0: feature_size = self._node_attribute_arrays[node_type].shape[1] return np.empty((0, feature_size)) # Get index for nodes of this type nt_id_to_index = self._node_index_maps[node_type] node_indices = [nt_id_to_index.get(n) for n in nodes] if None in node_indices: problem_nodes = [ node for node, index in zip(nodes, node_indices) if index is None ] raise ValueError( "Could not find features for nodes with IDs {}.".format(problem_nodes) ) features = self._node_attribute_arrays[node_type][node_indices] return features
[docs] def node_feature_sizes(self, node_types=None): """ Get the feature sizes for the specified node types. Args: node_types: (list) A list of node types. If None all current node types will be used. Returns: A dictionary of node type and integer feature size. """ # TODO: unit test! if not node_types: node_types = self.node_types self.check_graph_for_ml(features=True) fsize = {nt: self._node_attribute_arrays[nt].shape[1] for nt in node_types} return fsize
[docs] def nodes_of_type(self, node_type=None): """ Get the nodes of the graph with the specified node types. Args: node_type: Returns: A list of node IDs with type node_type """ # TODO: unit test! if node_type is None: return list(self) else: return [ n for n, ndata in self.nodes(data=True) if self._get_node_type(ndata) == node_type ]
[docs] def type_for_node(self, node): """ Get the type of the node Args: node: Node ID Returns: Node type """ return self._get_node_type(self.node[node])
@property def node_types(self): """ Get a list of all node types in the graph. Returns: set of types """ # TODO: unit test! # TODO: create a schmea when we geenrate _node_attribute_arrays and use it? if len(self._node_attribute_arrays) > 0: return set(self._node_attribute_arrays.keys()) else: return {self._get_node_type(ndata) for n, ndata in self.nodes(data=True)}
[docs] def info(self, show_attributes=True, sample=None): """ Return an information string summarizing information on the current graph. This includes node and edge type information and their attributes. Note: This requires processing all nodes and edges and could take a long time for a large graph. Args: sample (int): To speed up the graph analysis, use only a random sample of this many nodes and edges. Returns: An information string. """ directed_str = "Directed" if self.is_directed() else "Undirected" s = "{}: {} multigraph\n".format(type(self).__name__, directed_str) s += " Nodes: {}, Edges: {}\n".format( self.number_of_nodes(), self.number_of_edges() ) # Sample the nodes for our analysis if sample: all_nodes = list(self.nodes) snodes = random.sample(all_nodes, sample) else: snodes = None gs = self.create_graph_schema(create_type_maps=False, nodes=snodes) def is_of_edge_type(e, edge_type): et2 = ( self._get_node_type(self.node[e[0]]), self._get_edge_type(self.edges[e]), self._get_node_type(self.node[e[1]]), ) return et2 == edge_type # Go over all node types s += "\n Node types:\n" for nt in gs.node_types: # Filter nodes by type nt_nodes = [ ndata for n, ndata in self.nodes(data=True) if self._get_node_type(ndata) == nt ] s += " {}: [{}]\n".format(nt, len(nt_nodes)) # Get the attributes for this node type attrs = set(it.chain(*[ndata.keys() for ndata in nt_nodes])) attrs.discard(self._node_type_attr) if show_attributes and len(attrs) > 0: s += " Attributes: {}\n".format(attrs) s += " Edge types: " s += ", ".join(["{}-{}->{}".format(*e) for e in gs.schema[nt]]) + "\n" s += "\n Edge types:\n" for et in gs.edge_types: # Filter edges by type et_edges = [ e[3] for e in self.edges(keys=True, data=True) if is_of_edge_type(e[:3], et) ] if len(et_edges) > 0: s += " {et[0]}-{et[1]}->{et[2]}: [{len}]\n".format( et=et, len=len(et_edges) ) # Get the attributes for this edge type attrs = set(it.chain(*[edata.keys() for edata in et_edges])) attrs.discard(self._edge_type_attr) if show_attributes and len(attrs) > 0: s += " Attributes: {}\n".format(attrs) return s
[docs] def create_graph_schema(self, create_type_maps=True, nodes=None): """ Create graph schema in dict of dict format from current graph. Note the assumption we make that there is only one edge of a particular edge type per node pair. This means that specifying an edge by node0, node1 and edge type is unique. Arguments: create_type_maps (bool): If True quick lookup of node/edge types is created in the schema. This can be slow. nodes (list): A list of node IDs to use to build schema. This must represent all node types and all edge types in the graph. If specified, `create_type_maps` must be False. If not specified, all nodes and edges in the graph are used. Returns: GraphSchema object. """ if nodes is None: nodes = self.nodes() edges = self.edges(keys=True) elif create_type_maps is False: edges = self.edges(nodes, keys=True) else: raise ValueError("Creating type maps for subsampled nodes is not supported") # Create node type index list node_types = sorted({self._get_node_type(self.node[n]) for n in nodes}, key=str) graph_schema = {nt: set() for nt in node_types} # Create edge type index list edge_types = set() for n1, n2, k in edges: edata = self.adj[n1][n2][k] # Edge type tuple node_type_1 = self._get_node_type(self.node[n1]) node_type_2 = self._get_node_type(self.node[n2]) edge_type = self._get_edge_type(edata) # Add edge type to node_type_1 data edge_type_tri = EdgeType(node_type_1, edge_type, node_type_2) edge_types.add(edge_type_tri) graph_schema[node_type_1].add(edge_type_tri) # Also add type to node_2 data if not digraph if not self.is_directed(): edge_type_tri = EdgeType(node_type_2, edge_type, node_type_1) edge_types.add(edge_type_tri) graph_schema[node_type_2].add(edge_type_tri) # Create ordered list of edge_types edge_types = sorted(edge_types) # Create keys for node and edge types schema = { node_label: [ edge_types[einx] for einx in sorted([edge_types.index(et) for et in list(node_data)]) ] for node_label, node_data in graph_schema.items() } # Create schema object gs = GraphSchema() gs._is_directed = self.is_directed() gs.edge_types = edge_types gs.node_types = node_types gs.schema = schema # Create quick type lookups for nodes and edges. # Note: we encode the type index, in the assumption it will take # less storage. if create_type_maps: node_type_map = { n: node_types.index(self._get_node_type(ndata)) for n, ndata in self.nodes(data=True) } edge_type_map = { (edge[0], edge[1], edge[2]): edge_types.index( EdgeType( node_types[node_type_map[edge[0]]], self._get_edge_type(edge[3]), node_types[node_type_map[edge[1]]], ) ) for edge in self.edges(keys=True, data=True) } gs.node_type_map = node_type_map gs.edge_type_map = edge_type_map return gs
class StellarGraph(StellarGraphBase, MultiGraph): def __init__(self, incoming_graph_data=None, **attr): super().__init__(incoming_graph_data, **attr) class StellarDiGraph(StellarGraphBase, MultiDiGraph): def __init__(self, incoming_graph_data=None, **attr): super().__init__(incoming_graph_data, **attr)